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Started by Bruno3429, 23 de October de 2012, 07:17

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Braga perde em Manchester depois de ter estado a vencer por 2-0

O Sporting de Braga perdeu hoje por 3-2 com o Manchester United, em encontro da terceira jornada do grupo H da Liga dos Campeões de futebol, disputado em Manchester, Inglaterra.

Os "arsenalistas" estiveram a vencer por 2-0, com tentos de Alan, aos dois e 20 minutos, mas permitiram a reviravolta, com Hernandez a reduzir ainda na primeira parte, aos 25, tendo Evans, aos 62, e novamente Hernandez, aos 75, protagonizado a reviravolta completa no encontro.

Com este resultado, os bracarenses caíram para o terceiro lugar do grupo com três pontos, enquanto os ingleses estão cada vez mais perto do apuramento para os oitavos, liderando com nove. Na segunda posição estão os romenos do Cluj com quatro pontos, depois de hoje terem ido empatar 1-1 a casa dos turcos do Galatasaray, últimos sem pontos.



Braga muito perto do sonho

Contra um dos tubarões da Europa o Braga mostrou todo o seu brilho! Faltou sorte e alguma ...
Exibição de luxo não foi suficiente para conquistar pontos no teatro dos sonhos.

O Braga perdeu esta terça-feira por 3-2 com o Manchester United, em Old Trafford. Guerreiros estiveram a vencer por 2-0 mas não conseguiram segurar a vantagem.

O Braga começou a partida sem medo, a olhar o adversário nos olhos e gelou o teatro dos sonhos nos primeiros 20 minutos de jogo. Alan, ao minuto dois inaugurou o marcador e à passagem do minuto 20 bisou e colocou o Braga a vencer por 2-0. No entanto, e quando ainda se festejava o segundo golo bracarense Chicharito apareceu solto na cara de Beto e, de cabeça, relançou a partida. Até ao intervalo o Manchester ainda conseguiu marcar mas o árbitro da partida anulou o lance por fora de jogo (mal assinalado) de Kagawa.

No segundo tempo Sir Alex Ferguson fez entrar o internacional português Nani e o Manchester United subiu no terreno, dominou o meio campo e acabou por conseguir dar a volta ao resultado. Primeiro por Evans, num ressalto com muita sorte à mistura e depois pelo autor do primeiro golo, Chicharito, novamente de cabeça.

Com este resultado o Braga fixa-se no terceiro lugar do Grupo H, com três pontos, enquanto o Manchester United, com 9, segura a primeira posição. Cluj é segundo, com quarto pontos, enquanto o Galatasaray ocupa a última posição, com apenas um ponto.

Éder: "Sinto alguma frustração"

O avançado assinou uma jogada brilhante que culminou no segundo golo de Alan. Lamenta a injustuça da derrota.

"Sim, sinto alguma frustração", começou por dizer Éder à reportagem da TVI24 em Old Trafford, momentos depois do Braga ter perdido, por 3-2, com o Manchester United.

O sentimento do avançado explica-se com o facto dos Guerreiros do Minho terem chegado ao 2-0. "Acho que merecíamos sair daqui com a vitória", disse antes de recordar a sua participação num "um bom lance" e uma "boa finalização" na jogada do 2-0.

Em género de balanço, Éder realçou o desempenho do Braga num estádio tão complicado como é Old Trafford para os visitantes. "Demonstrámos que temos qualidade para estar na Liga dos Campeões", disse.



Sporting de Braga perde em Old Trafford (3-2) depois de estar a vencer por duas bolas

O Sporting de Braga esteve muito perto de sair vencedor de Old Trafford depois de ter estado a vencer por 2-0. Porém, na segunda parte, o Manchester United deu a volta ao resultado acabando por vencer por 3-2.

Na primeira visita do Sporting de Braga a um dos palcos de futebol mais respeitado a nível mundial quase trazia uma surpresa na Liga dos Campeões.

A equipa portuguesa marcou logo aos 2 minutos de jogo por intermédio de Alan, e conseguiu mesmo chegar a aumentar a vantagem, novamente por Alan, aos 20 minutos.

Porém, o Manchester United reagiu e conseguiu encurtar a desvantagem aos 25 minutos por Chicharito Hernández.

O Sporting de Braga tentou manter a vantagem mas a pressão dos homens da casa começou a provocar alguns erros na defensiva minhota. A formação orientada por José Peseiro viria a sofrer novo golo aos 62 minutos, desta feito por Evans.

Aos 75 minutos, Chicharito Hernández apareceu na área do Braga para apontar o terceiro do Macnhester United e segundo da conta pessoal.



Éder: «Merecíamos sair daqui com uma vitória»

Éder foi dos jogadores mais inconformados da equipa minhota na derrota frente ao Manchester Unietd e, no final do encontro, o avançado falou de um "sentimento de frustração" por não ter saído vitorioso de Old Trafford.

"Fizemos uma primeira parte fantástica, muito boa, mas o Manchester também mostrou bons argumentos. Mas fica o sentimento de frustração, estávamos muito bem no jogo e penso que merecíamos sair daqui com uma vitória", começou por referir aos microfones da TVI 24.

Sobre o lance que protagonizou no segundo golo dos bracarenses, Éder optou por elogiar o seu companheiro de equipa Alan, que concretizou da melhor maneira.

"Foi um bom lance, em que envolveu também o Alan. Consegui passar pelo Evans e ele [Alan] finalizou bem", afirmou.

Apesar da derrota, o avançado mantém a esperança na passagem dos minhotos aos oitavos-de-final da competição.

"Somos uma equipa com grande capacidade. Temos provado isso na Liga dos Campeões e vamos trabalhar para passar a próxima fase", rematou.

Alan: «Mostrámos que somos uma grande equipa»

Alan viveu uma noite inesquecível em Old Trafford, ao apontar dois golos ao Manchester United. Contudo, a felicidade não foi completa, na medida em que o Sp. Braga permitiu a reviravolta dos red devils, perdendo por 3-2.

"Fizemos um bom jogo, mostrámos que somos grande equipa e praticámos um bom futebol", referiu o capitão dos bracarenses à "TVI24", lamentando que os seus golos não tenham servido para pontuar: "Foi uma boa sensação mas fico frustrado por não ter ganho."

Convidado a explicar por que razão o Sp. Braga deixou escapar a vantagem, Alan sublinhou: "Faltou eficácia. Eles tiveram a sorte do jogo. Mas saímos daqui de cabeça erguida."

Beto: «Divertimo-nos a jogar»

No final do encontro em Old Trafford, Beto mostrou-se visivelmente desiludido com a derrota com o Manchester United, em jogo a contar para a Liga dos Campeões.

"Chegar aqui a Old Traffor e jogar como jogámos prova que temos uma personalidade muito forte. Divertimo-nos a jogar e temos prazer no que estamos a fazer. Realizámos uma primeira parte quase perfeita, não fosse aquele golo sofrido", começou por afirmar o guardião bracarense.

"Na segunda parte já estávamos à espera que o Manchester United carregasse, marcou o golo do empate, que foi incrível... e depois o terceiro foi uma jogada típica da equipa. Não podíamos fazer mais...", lamentou Beto.

"Em desvantagem, tentámos chegar ao golo do empate mas saímos daqui com a cabeça muito erguida. Fizemos um jogo muito bom", finalizou.



Chicharito evita el 'Braguetazo'

El Manchester United sufrió de lo lindo ante el Sporting de Braga en Old Trafford. Alan dio ventaja a los portugueses con dos goles antes del descanso... pero se topó con un gran Chicharito que tiró del equipo de Sir Alex Ferguson para liderar la remontada. Los 'red devils' acosaron a su rival y dos goles del mexicano y otro más de Evans hicieron que los tres puntos se quedaran en casa.

Los locales sufrieron el primer bofetón en los primeros minutos del encuentro. Cuando algún aficionado inglés todavía se estaba sentando en su localidad, Alan batió a David de Gea. El jugador del Sporting de Braga se marcaba un bailecito ante la incredulidad de los seguidores del United. Los de Sir Alex Ferguson entraron en una espiral negativa y los desajustes defensivos provocaron los primeros murmullos en la grada de Old Trafford.

El Sporting de Braga volvió a dar un golpe a su rival en el 19', cuando Éder se disfrazó de Fernando Redondo y emuló aquel mítico regate del argentino en Old Trafford para regalar el gol a Raúl y que ya es parte de la historia. En esta ocasión Éder se deshizo de Evans con una maniobra (casi) imposible y su pase al punto de penalti lo remató de nuevo Alan. Era el 2-0 y el 'Braguetazo' comenzaba a coger fuerza.

Chicharito al rescate
Fue entonces cuando el United se fue hacia adelante y comenzó a agobiar al conjunto portugués. Los centros de Rooney siempre eran peligrosos y Van Persie era una constante amenaza. Sin embargo, fue Chicharito Hernández el protagonista del encuentro con sus dos dianas. El primero lo consiguió en el 25' y dio esperanzas a un Manchester United que no estaba desplegando su mejor fútbol.

Ya en la segunda mitad, Evans enganchó un balón perdido a la salida de un córner para poner las tablas en el luminoso. Y a 15 minutos para el final, un nuevo centro al corazón del área fue a parar a la cabeza de un Chicharito que no perdonó. El delantero mexicano fue sustituído por Giggs y su ovación recordó a las mejores actuaciones de Chicharito en su primer año en la Premier League.

El Sporting de Braga tuvo alguna ocasión para intentar empatar el encuentro, pero los de Ferguson se encerraron bien para lograr tres puntos de oro que le colocan en una situación privilegiada en su grupo.

Chicharito marca el camino al United ante el Braga

El mexicano Javier "Chicharito" Hernández, con dos goles, lideró hoy a un Manchester United que remontó ante el Braga (3-2) los dos tantos con los que el brasileño Alan Silva había puesto por delante a los portugueses.

"Chicharito" abrió la cuenta de los locales en el minuto 25 y remató del duelo a un cuarto de hora del final para dejar a los "diablos rojos" como líderes del Grupo H de la primera fase de la Liga de Campeones con nueve puntos.

Alan había dado esperanzas a los portugueses con dos goles en los primeros compases del choque europeo, pero el mexicano, junto con el norirlandés Jonny Evans, que anotó el segundo de los ingleses, terminaron con las esperanzas del Braga de llevarse algún punto de Old Trafford.

Una vez más, tal y como ha ocurrido ya en numerosas ocasiones esta temporada, el United comenzó el duelo por detrás en el marcador.

En esta ocasión, el tanto del rival llegó cuando los de Alex Ferguson apenas habían tenido tiempo de tocar el balón: en el minuto dos, el portugués Hugo Viana trazó un centro desde la banda izquierda que conectó de cabeza Alan tras superar en el salto al holandés Alexander Büttner.

A pesar de que el guardameta español David De Gea se estiró para tratar de detener el cuero, el remate supuso el primer tanto de los portugueses, que comenzaban el encuentro con mejor pie que la última vez que visitaron Inglaterra, en 2010, cuando el Arsenal les endosó un inapelable 6-0.

Los "diablos rojos", por su parte, parecen acostumbrados a remar a contracorriente al inicio de sus partidos este curso y no perdieron los nervios con el primer tanto de los portugueses. La situación, sin embargo, adquirió un tono más preocupante para los locales a los veinte minutos, con el segundo de los de José Peseiro.

El luso-guineano Éder se liberó del marcaje de Michael Carrick en la banda izquierda para trazar un centro que dejó el balón en el interior del área, donde esperaba, una vez más, Alan. Sin que los centrales del United le importunaran, el brasileño colocó el cuero al fondo de la red de un visiblemente enfadado De Gea.

Con el 0-2, el banquillo local se llenó de caras largas, si bien los aficionados de Old Trafford se esforzaron por animar a un equipo que se ha acostumbrado este año a remontar resultados adversos. Apenas cinco minutos después del segundo del Braga, Van Persie se revolvió en la banda izquierda hasta forzar una falta en la que el colegiado serbio Milorad Mazic decidió aplicar la ley de la ventaja.

La situación descolocó a la defensa portuguesa, que pensó que el árbitro castigaría la acción, y no advirtió cómo el japonés Shinji Kagawa se hacía con el balón para lanzar un centro que recibió, solo ante el portero, el mexicano "Chicharito", que remató de cabeza un balón que acabó en gol tras rebotar en el cuerpo del guardameta Antonio Bastos "Beto".

El tanto de Hernández despertó de su letargo a los ingleses, que mantenían la posesión en el centro del campo y encontraban facilidades para combinar y filtrar balones hacia la línea de ataque. Las oportunidades se sucedieron a partir de entonces para los "diablos rojos", que obligaban a los portugueses a recular hacia su propio campo.

Tras varias ocasiones perdidas, el empate llegó finalmente en el minuto 62 tras un saque de córner: el balón quedó perdido en el bosque de piernas del área pequeña del Braga y acabó escurriéndose por debajo del portero después de que Evans lo empujara hacia la línea de gol.

Ferguson recuperó la tranquilidad al cuarto de hora del final, cuando Hernández, de nuevo de cabeza, se adelantó a la defensa portuguesa para llegar al segundo palo a tiempo para enviar a la red un lejano centro que había lanzado Tom Cleverley desde la banda derecha.


EFE é a agência lusa de guimarães, perdão, espanha, e os diários AS, El Mundo Deportivo e Sport transmitem a noticia acima na integra.
Quem não sente não é filho de boa gente.


I'm clueless! Fergie admits he doesn't know what to do with all his strikers

23 Oct 2012 22:16
Chicharito scores twice to spare Manchester United's blushes and give the boss a selection headache after they fall 2-0 behind at home to Braga

Pea super! Wayne Rooney congratulates Hernandez on his first of the night
John Peters
Javier Hernandez had Manchester United partying like it was 1999 - with a stunning comeback winner.

The Mexican striker scored two headers as Sir Alex Ferguson's men made a remarkable recovery from 2-0 down at home against Portuguese side Braga to win 3-2.

Ferguson admitted Chicharito's headed double had given him a tough decision to make on the future make-up of his forward line.

"He trains magnificently, he's improving all the time and he's got such great enthusiasm for the game - he's got me thinking," he said. "With him, (Robin) Van Persie, (Wayne) Rooney, (Danny) Welbeck... I don't know what you do with them, to be honest.

Ferguson added: "It's been the story of our season at home - starting badly and conceding goals. But we've rescued games.

"It's the front players who are doing that for us, some of our football was terrific and we were creating a lot of chances, but it is a worry that we're losing those goals."

It was the first time United turned a two-goal deficit into a win since a famous semi-final against Juventus 13 years ago, one of their most famous nights.

United went on to win the Champions League as part of their historic treble - but the comeback tested the patience of Fergie.

For the seventh time this season, the Reds conceded the first goal of the match and were in deep trouble at one stage.

Veteran Brazilian Alan rocked United with a quick double that showed up their defensive frailties.

Alan's header from Newcastle old boy Hugo Viana's cross put the Portuguese club ahead after 90 seconds to stun Old Trafford.

And Alan slotted home again after makeshift centre-half Michael Carrick was outrageously beaten by Eder on the by-line.

United were lucky to get back in the game quickly when Chicarito nodded in from Shinji Kagawa's cross.

But they were robbed when Kagawa was ruled offside before the Mexican netted soon after - a bad mistake by the linesman.

Jonny Evans equalised, and there was no denying Hernandez the clincher.

Asked for his thoughts after another dismal start by United, the striker joked on ITV: "I was thinking, 'Oh, we just need to score three more goals and then we get the three points'!

"We started a little bit badly but thankfully we scored three and we will look forward to the next game."

He added: "I've learnt a lot here and when the gaffer gives me the chance I have to take it."

Of his disallowed goal, Chicharito added: "It wasn't offside, but it's not important - all that matters is the three points."

Ferguson defended his decision to field a lightweight-looking defence, including out-of-position England midfielder Carrick, and keep Rio Ferdinand on the bench.

"I think we did the right thing," said Fergie. "It wasn't Michael Carrick's fault, the first goal - he did his job well.

"I think you've got to look at the big picture - Rio, his age, with a big game against Chelsea coming up )on Sunday), Chelsea (in the Carling Cup) on Wednesday then Arsenal.

"We've got Vida (Nemanja Vidic) out, (Phil) Jones and (Chris) Smalling not available - Carrick's not the best, but he does his job well."

Don't you forget about Pea: Out-of-favour Hernandez scores twice as Man United com from behind against Braga

More defensive woes for Fergie as Braga were allowed to score two early goals

It is saying something when even the title of comeback kings barely does justice to Manchester United's astonishing powers of recovery.

Yet the forced smile on the face of their manager Sir Alex Ferguson at the end of another pulsating night of lost causes rescued, suggested he is growing tired of the need to produce these remarkable feats.

Two second half goals and a quite brilliant display after the interval gave them the victory over Braga that, according to Fergie, already almost assures qualification for the knock out stage of the Champions' League.

Yet their third straight win in the group came only after they had gifted two criminally sloppy early goals to the talented Portuguese team - amazingly, the eighth time in 12 games this season when they have conceded a lead.

It is not good enough for a team of this pedigree, but at least the Old Trafford faithful can be consoled by the quality that allowed them to recover from the two goals presented to Braga's talented striker Alan.

It was an equally gifted forward in the shape of United's Javier Hernandez who inspired the comeback, with an important strike before the interval, and then a fine winner on 72 minutes, when he showed his goalscoring instinct to convert a brilliant cross from the left by Tom Cleverley.

In between, Jonny Evans had drawn United level soon after the break, when he stayed alert after miscuing a corner from Robin Van Persie, to swivel on the rebound and turn it into the net with his left foot.

Ferguson was relieved, but he knows this can not continue. Even before the game, he had openly wondered: "why do we keep making it more difficult that it need be?" in his somewhat caustic programme notes, which made clear his anger at the painfully slow starts that have gifted so many leads this season

Well, that anger clearly turned to fury, against the technically talented Portuguese side, his face a picture of apoplexy at the way his United side seem to be making an art form of the lethargic opening.

Not only did they offer Braga a ludicrous opening goal within 90 seconds of kick off, they compounded that mistake by switching off again within the first 20 minutes to give them a second.... and themselves a mountain to climb.

It would be easy to point to the use of Michael Carrick as a makeshift centre half - to allow Rio Ferdinand to be rested for Sunday's game against Chelsea - as the catalyst for such calamity, but it wasn't quite as simple as that.

Sure, the midfielder looked uncomfortable in the back line and was taken too easily apart by the lively Alan in the visiting attack, but as a team United appeared equally uncomfortable with their formation, which loaded towards a three man forward line and left too little protection in front of the defence.

And how the stylish Portugal outfit exploited that flaw in the Reds line up. From a throw in on the left, Hugo Viana worked the space to deliver a simple cross into the six yard box, and criminally, Alan was allowed the time and space to plant a header into the net.

United were stunned by the ease of their undoing, but apparently learnt little from their mistakes, as they contrived to allow a depressingly similar second goal just 20 minutes into the contest.

This time, it was Eder who escaped through the left channel, to breeze past an embarrassed Carrick and cross for Alan - again given the freedom of the Old Trafford penalty area - to steer another uncontested effort into the corner of the net.

Two runs, two crosses and two goals, it said little for the home side's organisation or anticipation at the back, and they could easily have conceded a third before half time from a similar situation.

Yet as Ferguson intimated, it wouldn't be United without the drama of a comeback, and that was mounted barely a quarter into the game, as the three-man attack began to cause the problems their manager had anticipated with his selection.

Over to Roo: Wayne gives Hernandez a pat on the back
John Peters
Surprisingly perhaps, it was Hernandez and not Van Persie who profited most from the space worked by the use of the extra striker. With his Dutch partner expressed great skill down the left, the ball fell to Shinji Kagawa, whose crossed picked out the young South American to head home fiercely.

Queue an Old Trafford cavalry charge, and really United should have been level even before the interval, when first Van Persie turned well onto a clever Rooney ball, but shot wide on his weaker right foot, and then Hernandez was a fraction away from turning in a cross from the Holland international, and perhaps should have done so.

Evans provided parity on 62 minutes, and from there, it was inevitable the winner would come, and almost equally inevitable it would be provided by the dashing Hernandez, who seems to have rediscovered the verve that made him such a sensation in his first Old Trafford season.

Yet there are questions Ferguson must now address before the visit to Chelsea on Sunday, not least whether his willingness to persevere with a three man front line is leaving him short-changed in midfield.

Daily Mirror
Quem não sente não é filho de boa gente.


Javier Hernández double header saves Manchester United against Braga

Only once before had Manchester United won when two goals behind in the Champions League: the famous night in Turin when Roy Keane dragged them to a 3-2 victory over Juventus that led the way to the 1999 final. On 75 minutes of an evening that again did nothing to ease the heart rates of the home support Javier Hernández was the man who changed this statistic, the Mexican's head connecting with a sweeping Tom Cleverley cross from the right to give United the lead.

There were further scares for them. An 80th-minute corner from Alan, who scored both Braga's goals, skimmed over the area before the ball found a route safely into the hands of David de Gea, as United ended proceedings as they began: living dangerously.

The first half continued the thrills and spills in attack and the defensive mishaps that have been the Manchester United movie this season.

Even by their sluggish standards the start was dire. The clock showed 80 seconds as they fell behind to an Alan header after Michael Carrick – who would later be hoodwinked for the visiting captain's second – conceded a corner in the second minute. This was defended well but, when play continued and the ball broke to Hugo Viana, a swinging delivery from the left found the head of Alan, who got ahead of Alexander Büttner to give his side the lead.

This was the eighth time in 12 outings Sir Alex Ferguson's men have trailed during this campaign. Worse was to follow as a stunned United saw their deficit doubled. This time Carrick, playing as an auxiliary central defender, was the patsy in a Cruyff turn smoothly executed by Eder down the left. The striker cruised towards De Gea's goal, then rolled the ball into Alan whose finish was expert.

For each of these goals the space United allowed when turned was the issue, a problem that continued until half-time.

For the home congregation normal service was partially resumed after 25 minutes. Robin van Persie's tricky footwork moved him inside from the left. He was chopped down by Leandro Salino, the visiting right-back but the referee, Milorad Mazic, played advantage as the ball found Shinji Kagawa. After a look up he floated a cross on to Hernández's head and, though Beto parried the ball, it followed him over the line.

Van Persie followed this with a neat chest-down and swivel-then-shot, though it went wide. There were other moments when United might have drawn level: Wayne Rooney's probing down the right with Rafael da Silva went unrewarded and Büttner's mazy run into the Braga area might have won a penalty as he fell.

Hernández might have had a second when Van Persie again hurt the visitors down their right – this time his tipped attempt was saved by Beto. But a jittery rearguard that has plagued the Reds this season was again evident when a regulation clearing header from Da Silva was instead spooned behind to give Braga a corner.

With all six of the available points so far gathered Sir Alex Ferguson had been content before the visit of the Portuguese. "Given our defensive injuries we are in a stronger position in Europe than I might have expected," he told United Review. "The main aim tonight is to make sure we don't waste our advantage and get the points which almost see us through. A win would take us to nine points, just one point from my target of 10 with three games left."

While the holy grail of 10 points does not always guarantee passage in the competition as Manchester City learned last season, Rio Ferdinand, whose role in the proposed breakaway black players' union is yet to be clarified, was on the bench, with no place at all for Scott Wootton, who might have been give a full Champions League debut alongside Jonny Evans but was not included in the 18-man squad.

Ferguson had lined his side up in a diamond shape for the second time running in this group stage, with Rooney at the tip behind Van Persie and Hernández. This dynamic changed when Nani replaced Kagawa for the start of the second half, possibly due to the knock he had taken during the opening period, and Rooney moved to the left.

With Nani on the right, Ferguson's men were now operating in a more orthodox 4-4-1-1, flat across midfield. After Da Silva won a free-kick down the right for which Elderson was booked, Van Persie stung Beto's fingers with a curving attempt from the angle.

Rooney was next up, first pinging in an attempted through-ball into Van Persie's run that was blocked, then offering the collectors' item of a cross with his left foot that did find the Dutchman, though again danger was cleared.

But Braga failed to do so for Evans's equaliser. A Van Persie corner was flicked off Carrick's back and, when the Irishman's air-shot missed the ball, it rebounded off Alan and this time Evans scrambled it home.

The Guardian
Quem não sente não é filho de boa gente.