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SC BRAGA 3-0 Celtic[notícias da imprensa Nacional e Mundial]

Started by (S)oon(C)hampion(B)raga, 28 de July de 2010, 22:32

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QuoteDomingos: «Há outro jogo para tentarmos ganhar»

Domingos Paciência, treinador do Sp. Braga, em declarações à «Sport Tv», depois do triunfo sobre os escoceses do Celtic (3-0), em jogo da primeira mão da terceira pré-eliminatória da Liga dos Campeões:

«É um passo importante. Acabou a primeira parte, neste momento estamos em vantagem, mas em futebol, quem facilita sofre com isso. É um bom resultado, mas há muito para fazer. Há que continuar a trabalhar de uma forma séria e com uma atitude boa como fez hoje a equipa. Criamos desafio a nós próprios. Queremos ganhar, mas não andamos a provar nada a ninguém. Às vezes consegue-se, outras não, mas não deixamos de tentar».

[Esperava mais do Celtic?]
«Não se viu mais da equipa escocesa, porque o Braga levou o Celtic a fazer este tipo de jogo e tirou vantagem disso. Hoje viram um Braga em bloco, que deu poucos espaços à equipa do Celtic que pratica um futebol directo. Quando assim é parece que os outros são menos bons, mas não, há que dar mérito ao que o Braga fez. Sabemos que ainda faltam noventa minutos, sabemos o que aconteceu com o Benfica [ganhou 3-0 na Luz e perdeu 0-3 em Glasgow], estamos preparados para isso. Há outro jogo para tentarmos ganhar».

QuoteEfraín Juárez tropieza con el Celtic en su debut

Alan al minuto 26, Elderson al 76 y Matheus al 87 consiguieron las anotaciones por el conjunto local que tiene más de un pie en la siguiente ronda del torneo de clubes más importantes del viejo continente.

Con dicho marcador el club escocés se ve obligado a ganar por una diferencia de superior a los tres goles para tener posibilidades o de lo contrario sumará su primer fracaso de la temporada 2010-11.

En su primer partido oficial con el Celtic, Efraín Juárez se notó participativo y disputó 79 minutos ante el SC Braga

Celtic Glasgow, es un equipo escocés reconocido como uno de los más importantes en Europa, es el actual campeón de la Copa de la Liga de Escocia, la cual ha ganado en 14 ocasiones, mientras que en la Liga Premier de Escocia se ha levantado con el triunfo 42 veces.

Previamente el defensa mexicano fue portada de la revista oficial del Celtic Glasgow, de Escocia, donde concedió una larga entrevista para que los aficionados de los Hoops lo conozcan más.

QuoteBraga goleia Celtic na Champions

Minhotos vencerem escoceses por 3-0 e garantiram margem dilatada para o jogo da 2ª mão da 3ª pré-eliminatória da Liga dos Campeões.

Os três golos do Sp. Braga surgiram em lances de bola parada. Na conversão de uma grande penalidade, Alan deu vantagem aos arsenalistas aos 25 minutos.

Já na segunda parte, um desvio de Elderson, à boca da baliza, na sequência de um pontapé de canto (76 m), e um livre directo cobrado por Matheus a cerca de 30 metros da baliza (87 m) dilataram a vantagem para 3-0.

Mesmo em desvantagem, o Celtic não teve capacidade de reacção.

QuoteSporting Braga a umilit Celtic Glasgow

Echipa portugheză Sporting Braga i-a învins fără drept de apel, pe teren propriu, pe scoţienii de la Celtic Glasgow ***** scorul de 3-0 (1-0), într-un meci contând pentru turul al treilea al Ligii Campionilor. Golurile învingătorilor au fost reuşite de Alna ('26), din penalty, Elderson ('76) şi Matheus ('88).

Arbitrul român Alexandru Tudor, ajutat de Cristian Nica şi Aurel Oniţa (Radu Marian Petrescu a fost arbitru de rezervă) au oficiat la meciul BATE Borisov - FC Copenhaga, scor 0-0.

Unul dintre cele mai interesante meciuri ale serii a fost cel de la Berna, dintre Young Boys şi Fenerbahce, încheiat la egalitate, 2-2. Turcii au condus de două ori, prin reuşitele lui Emre ('5) şi Stoch ('42), elveţienii revenind prin golurile marcate de Dudar ('18) şi Costanzo ('89), din penalty.

QuoteSp. Braga-Celtic, 3-0 (crónica)

Dava toda a impressão que não seria um primeiro passo em força, de rajada, avassalador. Mas já se adivinhava um passo certeiro, a espaços, elegante e, sem qualquer dúvida, com o pé direito. Mudou tudo nos últimos 15 minutos, com dois golos que atropelaram por completo a equipa escocesa. O Sp. Braga mostrou frente ao Celtic de Glasgow que o estatuto europeu ainda não ganha jogos e parte para a segunda mão, na Escócia, bem na frente dos escoceses que vão ter de suar muito para corrigir a derrota por 2-0 em Braga.

Quem esperava uma entrada do Sp. Braga de rompante no jogo enganou-se. Os minhotos sabiam que estavam a fazer história e que qualquer passo em falso poderia ser a morte do artista. Talvez por isso, os primeiros 10 minutos bracarenses foram algo tímidos e receosos, num futebol amorfo que, com o avançar do relógio se foi empolgando.

O Celtic tem mais tradição e um estatuto mais forte na Europa. Mas quando é preciso dominar uma bola, controlá-la, passá-la e, mesmo, metê-la dentro da baliza, o palmarés de pouco vale. Aí, vem ao de cima a classe e a qualidade dos protagonistas. Nesse ponto, pelo menos nesta noite, embora se possa deixar o vaticínio para o aglomerado das duas mãos, o Sp. Braga é superior.

Mesmo que tenha demorado a encontrar o norte e quase não tenha criado perigo na primeira metade. Aliás, se retirarmos um remate rasteiro de Salino, no minuto seguinte ao tento de Alan, pouco sobra para dizer. Mesmo o golo não tem grande história: cruzamento de Miguel García na direita e o coreano Ki Sung Yeung a dar uma mão aos bracarenses na busca pelo golo. Penalty tão claro como a forma como Alan o cobrou.

Elderson dá o toque...

Dos escoceses, ninguém sabia muito o que esperar. Os minhotos tinham o jogo controlado, mas a sentença cai sempre em saco roto, quando por trás está uma margem mínima. Ainda por cima, com uma equipa tipicamente britânica, com mais força que técnica e com uma imaginação quase tão escassa como a brisa fresca que soprou na tropical noite de Braga.

O futebol bracarense, claramente de tracção à esquerda, devido ao maior pendor ofensivo do lateral Elderson esbarrava na muralha escocesa. Muita força bruta, misturada, muitas vezes, com uma agressividade a roçar os limites, que os Guerreiros do Minho tiveram de combater com armas próprias.

E, esgotado o período da pólvora seca, chegou a machadada final. Canto de Matheus e toque subtil de Elderson a lançar a festa. Um grande balão de oxigénio para o mergulho em alto mar que vai ser a visita a Glasgow na próxima semana. E não haveria de ficar por aqui...

¿ e Matheus lança a bomba

Matheus tinha assistido Elderson para o segundo, mas não quis deixar a sua participação no jogo por aí. Um livre a uns bons 30 metros da baliza e uma bomba indefensável. Que golo! A melhor maneira de encerrar uma noite histórica para as cores bracarenses.

A noite mágica para o Sp. Braga pode ser ainda levada em conta como um aviso à navegação interna: a última época, se calhar, não foi assim fruto do acaso, como por vezes se faz parecer. A jogar assim, é bom que se tenha a equipa de Domingos em atenção.

Ficha de jogo:

Árbitro: Serge Gumienny (Bélgica), assistido por Mark Simons e Frank Bleyen (Bélgica)
SP. BRAGA: Mário Felgueiras; Miguel Garcia, Moisés, Rodríguez e Elderson; Vandinho, Andrés Madrid e Salino; Alan (Hélder Barbosa, 90m), Paulo César e Lima (Matheus, 66m).
Treinador: Domingos Paciência
Não utilizados: Artur, Keita, Sílvio, Meyong, Aníbal.
CELTIC: Zaluska; Cha Du Ri, Loovens, Hooiveld e Mulgrew; Juarez (James Forrest, 79m)e Ki Sung Yeung; Maloney (Murphy, 71m) Scott Brown e Ledley; Samaras.
Treinador: Neil Lennon
Suplentes: Cervi, Fortune, Crosas, Pat Mccourt, Thomas Rogne e James Forrest
Golos: Alan g.p. (26 m), Elderson (76m) e Matheus (89m)
Disciplina: Amarelo para Mulgrew (5m), Ki Yueng (25m), Hooiveld (42m), Loovens (60m), Salino (90m)

QuoteSp. Braga- Celtic, 3-0 (destaques)

É verdade que Evaldo era um valor seguro que o Sp. Braga perdeu. Mas alguém se lembrou esta noite que era o primeiro jogo oficial de Elderson pelos minhotos? A continuar assim, os responsáveis minhotos provaram, com a contratação deste nigeriano, que a saída estava precavida. Muito boa exibição do esquerdino, com um primeiro tempo irrepreensível quer a defender, quer a atacar e um golo na segunda parte, muito oportunista que dá uma maior tranquilidade à equipa para a visita a Glasgow.


Saltou do banco para decidir o jogo e, quem sabe, a eliminatória. As primeiras acções foram precipitadas, mas ninguém se lembrará disso quando estiverem a recordar a assistência para o golo de Elderson e, sobretudo, o espectacular golo que fechou o marcador. Grande bomba!


Seguríssimo. Deu nas vistas com um vistoso corte ao minuto 17, quando um cruzamento de Maloney parecia encontrar Samaras na cara do golo, mas a acção do central bracarense não ficou por aí. Pelo ar foi tudo dele e beneficiou do desacerto escocês para varrer o seu raio de acção com a classe que se lhe reconhece.


No início do encontro pareceu estar nervoso. Os primeiros toques na Jabulani não lhe saíram como desejaria e o brasileiro teve de contrariar o desacerto inicial com o avançar do relógio. Nunca deu um lance por perdido, facto que lhe valeu algumas repreensões da equipa de arbitragem. Logo após o golo de Alan, ficou perto do segundo, com um remate rasteiro, à meia volta, que saiu a rasar o poste.


Com Vandinho nas costas, o argentino ganha confiança para arriscar. Tentou ser o ponto de virtuosismo que o meio campo minhoto, a espaços, parecia não encontrar e teve algumas boas aberturas ainda que nem sempre bem calibradas.

QuoteEl Sporting Braga de Alberto Rodríguez da un gran paso en la Champions

Braga ( El Sporting Braga, con Alberto Rodríguez como titular, derrotó por 3 a 0 al siempre complicado Celtic de Escocia, en lo que fue el juego de ida por la tercera ronda de la fase previa de la Liga de Campeones de Europa.

El cuadro de nuestro compatriota, quien actuó durante los 90 minutos, supo manejar el partido como local y lo liquidó en los momentos oportunos.

Es así, que sobre el minuto 26 no desperdició una clara chance para ponerse en ventaja, cuando Alan hizo efectivo de formar correcta la ejecución de un penal.

Los escoceses trataron de reaccionar, pero carecieron de las armas ofensivas necesarias para llegar a la paridad.

Todo lo contrario ocurrió con el Sporting Braga, que en el segundo tiempo cerró el partido con las anotaciones de Echiejile y Matheus a los 31 y 43 minutos respectivamente.

Con esta victoria, los portugueses llegarán con una cómoda ventaja para el duelo de vuelta a jugarse en Escocia el próximo cuatro de agosto.

Hay que recordar, que el ganador de esta serie accederá a los Play Off, etapa previa a la fase de grupos de la Liga de Campeones de Europa, donde ya se encuentran clasificados el Werder Bremen, Sevilla, Sampdoria, Auxerre y Tottenham.

QuoteLM: wysoka porażka Celtiku Glasgow

Sporting Braga pokonał szkocki Glasgow 3:0 w meczu III rundy eliminacji Ligi Mistrzów i jest bardzo blisko awansu do fazy play-off. W bramce gości stał polski golkiper, Łukasz Załuska.

Wynik spotkania otworzył w 26. minucie Alan, który pewnie wykorzystał rzut karny. Kolejne dwie bramki padły w drugiej połowie meczu. W 76. minucie na listę strzelców wpisał się Echiejile. Dwanaście minut później wynik spotkania ustalił Matheus.

Przypomnijmy, że w letnim oknie transferowym drużynę Celtiku opuścił Artur Boruc, który jest już piłkarzem Fiorentiny. Rolę pierwszego bramkarza przejął po nim inny Polak, Łukasz Załuska.

Rewanż odbędzie się w przyszłym tygodniu w Glasgow, ale wysoka porażka z pierwszego spotkania stawia wicemistrzów Szkocji w niezwykle trudnej sytuacji.

Sporting Braga - Celtic Glasgow 3:0 (1:0),1752,title,LM-wysoka-porazka-Celtiku-Glasgow,wid,12519267,wiadomosc.html?ticaid=1a9af

QuoteLe Celtic et l'Ajax en difficulté

Dans une rencontre heurtée, le Celtic Glasgow s'est incliné sur la pelouse du Sporting Braga (0-3), concédant un penalty sur une faute du sud-coréen Ki sung yong sur Miguel Garcia. Une sentence transformée par Alan (26e). La titularisation du nouvel arrivant, l'international mexicain Efrain Juarez, débarqué directement du Mondial sud-africain, n'a pas suffit, Elderson corsant le score en fin de rencontre (76e), sur une passe de Matheus. Ce même Matheus crucifiant le Celtic dans les ultimes secondes (90e), asseyant la domination des Portugais, bien embarqués en vue des barrages.

Auteur d'un nul (2-2) à l'extérieur face aux Young Boys de Berne, Fenerbahçe a pris une sérieuse option sur la qualification pour les barrages de la Ligue des Champions. Dans une rencontre musclée, marquée par huit cartons jaunes et l'exclusion de l'ancien toulousain Kazim Kazim, les Turcs ont eu toutes les peines du monde à développer un jeu de qualité. L'ouverture du score en trompe l'oeil de l'ancien intériste, Emre, dès la cinquième minute de jeu, n'a pu masquer les difficultés de l'ancien club d'Anelka. Rejoint une première fois au score après un but de l'Argentin Dudar, Fenerbahçe est parvenu à reprendre l'avantage juste avant la mi-temps grâce à sa recrue, en provenance de Chelsea, Miroslav Stoch. En toute fin de match, le gardien argentin de Berne, Franco Costanzo, a transformé un penalty, récompensant ainsi les efforts du club suisse.



QuoteSporting Braga vence Celtic em casa e põe um pé na próxima fase da Liga

Equipe portuguesa faz 3 a 0 nos escoceses e pode perder por até 2 a 0 que se classifica para a etapa seguinte da competição

Vice-campeão português da temporada passada, o Sporting Braga deu um importante passo para entrar na fase de grupos da Liga dos Campeões. O time português venceu o Celtic por 3 a 0, em casa, na primeira partida entre as equipes pela primeira fase de qualificação da Liga. Com o resultado, os portugueses podem perder por até 2 a 0 que se classificam para a próxima etapa.

O Braga dominou o adversário desde o começo. Alan marcou, de pênalti, o primeiro gol dos portugueses aos 26 minutos. A pressão continuou, mas o ataque desperdiçou algumas boas oportunidades.

Na etapa final, o panorama se manteve. E esse domínio foi traduzido em gols. Aos 31, Echiejile ampliou a vantagem para os portugueses. No fim do confronto, Matheus fez o terceiro, deixando o Braga com um pé na próxima fase.

O Braga faz parte da chave dos não campeões. Essa divisão feita pela Uefa privilegia as equipes campeãs de suas ligas domésticas que ficam em um agrupamento formado por times menos tradicionais e de países com menos tradição no futebol mundial que, entretanto, conquistaram seus campeonatos nacionais

QuoteFenerbahçe niet langs Young Boys, Celtic onderuit in Braga

Fenerbahçe is er niet in geslaagd om Young Boys te verslaan in de heenwedstrijd van de voorronde van de Champions League. In Bern, waar Miroslav Stoch één van de Turkse treffers maakte, werd het 2-2.

Fenerbahçe startte goed en opende de score al na vijf minuten. Emre Belozoglu tekende voor de 1-0. Nog geen kwartier later was de stand echter weer gelijk. Miroslav Stoch bracht Fenerbahçe vlak voor de pauze op voorsprong.

Helemaal zeker waren de Turken niet toen de tweede helft begon, want de bezoekers moesten het duel met tien man uitspelen. Kazim Kazim kreeg kort na de treffer van Stoch namelijk zijn tweede gele kaart binnen twintig minuten. Young Boys maakte in de 89e minuut uiteindelijk de 2-2 uit een strafschop.

Ondertussen zette ook Sporting Braga een grote stap op weg naar de volgende voorronde. De nummer twee van Portugal won thuis met 3-0 van het Schotse Celtic. Partizan Belgrado kende op eigen terrein geen moeite met HJK Helsinki (3-0).

QuoteLiga dos Campeões
Sp. Braga vence Celtic por 3-0

O Celtic voltou a sair derrotado de Portugal. Tal como diz a tradição. É verdade que derrotou o Guimarães em 1998/99 e o Boavista em 2002/03, mas desde então saiu sempre de Portugal com uma derrota no marcador. Há sempre alguma coisa que corre mal. Em 2006, foi o central Gary Caldewell a abrir caminho para a derrota com o Benfica com um autogolo. Um ano depois, tudo parecia estar a correr bem até Cardozo dar a vitória com um golo a três minutos do fim.

Em Braga, os escoceses voltaram a ficar de olhos em bico. E desta vez literalmente. O Sp. Braga jogava melhor, estava mais perto da baliza de Zaluska mas não conseguia marcar. Até que, aos 25 minutos, o sul-coreano Sung-yong Ki interceptou um cruzamento dentro da área com o braço esquerdo. Era a primeira explosão de alegria, mas ainda faltava marcar. O brasileiro Alan, que no último mês chegou a ter um pé no Sporting e outro nos árabes do Al-Sharjah, não facilitou e converteu a grande penalidade ao ângulo superior direito.

Estava tudo a compor-se para os bracarenses, até porque a história do Celtic a jogar fora de casa é uma história de expectativa. O objectivo é ir mantendo um resultado aceitável, mesmo que seja uma derrota, de forma a conseguir virar o rumo da eliminatória no Celtic Park ao som de "You'll Never Walk Alone".

O Sp. Braga não se incomodou com essa estratégia e continuou  a fazer pela vida. Alan estava endiabrado e dava que fazer pelo lado direito do ataque. Do outro, o nigeriano Echiejile, mais conhecido por Elderson em Portugal, dava mostras de ser uma excelente alternativa a Evaldo, confirmando a facilidade que António Salvador e companhia têm para renovar o plantel apesar das constantes saídas.

Os ataques do Celtic eram inofensivos.  Samaras estava em dia não e Maloney estava ainda pior. Nada corria bem aos escoceses e os minhotos acreditavam que era possível fazer ainda melhor. O Celtic dava espaço para isso, o Celtic estava a pedir que isso acontecesse. E o Sp.Braga não quis contrariar. Aos 76', foi Elderson a fazer o segundo golo na sequência de um canto. Para o fim, estava guardado o momento mais espectacular da noite:Matheus bateu um livre directo para o fundo da baliza e deu ainda mais segurança para o jogo de Glasgow. A 4 de Agosto.

Ajax en Celtic maken een slechte beurt in de Champions League

Vandaag werden de resterende heenwedstrijden in de voorronde van Champions League gespeeld. Vooral de uitslagen van Celtic en Ajax vallen op.

Ajax heeft al een bewogen voorbereiding achter de rug, en kon een goed resultaat zeker gebruiken.  De Amsterdammers begonnen al meteen goed aan hun wedstrijd tegen het Griekse PAOK Saloniki; Luis Suarez scoorde al na veertien minuten.  Alles leek dan wel goed te komen voor de Ajacieden, tot Vladimir Ivic in de 74ste minuut de Amsterdamse netten deed trillen: 1-1.  Ajax zal in Griekenland het verschil moeten proberen te maken.

Celtic speelde vanavond uit tegen het Portugese Sporting Braga, en leed in Portugal een zware nederlaag.  In de 27ste minuut maakte de Braziliaan Alan reeds de 1-0.  Elderson, een Nigeriaanse aanvaller, scoorde in de tweede helft een tweede keer.  Matheus, een andere Braziliaan, scoorde in de slotfase het vernederende derde doelpunt.  Celtic slaagde er niet in het belangrijke Europese doelpunt op verplaatsing te scoren.

Ook Hapoel Tel Aviv verloor vanavond verrassend zijn uitwedstrijd.  Bij de Israëliërs was het Kazachse Aktobe Lento de boeman.  De wedstrijd eindigde op 1-0.  Fenerbahçe en Dinamo Zagreb speelden allebei gelijk, respectievelijk 2-2 en 1-1, maar zij spelen hun volgende wedstrijd wel thuis.

QuoteEl. LM: Załuska w bramce, klęska Celtiku

  Sporting Braga pokonał 3:0 (1:0) Celtic Glasgow w pierwszym meczu III rundy eliminacji Ligi Mistrzów. Całe spotkanie w bramce The Bhoys rozegrał Łukasz Załuska. Zespół Sportingu, który zajął drugie miejsce w portugalskiej ekstraklasie, w tym sezonie debiutuje w rozgrywkach LM.

Piłkarze z Glasgow długo będą pamiętać wyprawę do Portugalii.

Całe nieszczęście Celtiku zaczęło się w 24. minucie, kiedy ręką w polu karnym zagrał Ki Sung-Yong, a Załuskę z jedenastu metrów pokonał Osorio Alan.

W drugiej połowie było jeszcze gorzej. W 76. minucie strzałem w prawy róg z kilkunastu metrów na 2:0 podwyższył Uwa Echiejile, po dośrodkowaniu Nascimento Matheusa z rzutu rożnego.

Tuż przed gwizdkiem kończącym spotkanie pięknym golem z rzutu wolnego popisał się Matheus, ustalając wynik na 3:0.,1,3337411,wiadomosc.html

QuoteBraga consegue boa vitória sobre o Celtic e fica muito perto de avançar na Champions

O Sporting Braga, de Portugal, deu um importante passo rumo à classificação para a próxima fase preliminar da Uefa Champions League 2010/11. Nesta quarta-feira, atuando em casa, a equipe derrotou o Celtic, da Escócia, por 3 a 0, e agora pode até perder por dois gols de diferença no jogo de volta, na próxima semana, para ficar com a vaga.

O caminho para o triunfo do Braga começou a ser construído ainda no primeiro tempo. Aos 26 minutos, em cobrança de pênalti, Alan fez 1 a 0 para os anfitriões. Na etapa final, aos 31, Echiejille ampliou para o time português, e no fim do jogo, aos 43, Matheus fez 3 a 0 e deu números finais à partida.


QuoteSporting Braga kommt im Hinspiel der 3. CL-Qualifikations-Runde zu einem 3:0-Heimsieg gegen Celtic Glasgow. Alan (26.), Elderson Echiejile (76.), Matheus (88.) erzielen die Teffer für den Ex-Klub von Roland Linz.

QuoteSp.Braga 3-0 Celtic (final)

90+3'- Canto contra o Braga depois de falta de "fair-play" do Celtic. Vandinho estava lesionado e o Braga atirou a bola para fora. Na reposição do jogo, Murphy devolve a bola ao Braga com muita força e quase surpreendia o guarda-redes M. Felgueiras.

90'- O árbitro dá 2' de tempo de compensação.

90'- Substituição para o Sp. Braga: Sai Alan entra H. Barbosa

90'- Cartão amarelo para Salino do Sp. Braga.

87'- Golo de Matheus para o Sp. Braga. Matheus marca o livre ainda longe da baliza, atira uma bomba de pé esquerdo sem defesa para Zaluska.

86'- Livre de Brown sobre Matheus.

84'- Livre contra o Celtic, uma espécie de canto mais curto. Paulo César cobra a falta com muita força. A bola passa por cima de todos os jogadores.

83'- Remate de muito longe de Mulgrew, mas a bola sai ao lado do poste esquerdo da baliza de M. Felgueiras. O remate chegou a causar perigo.

79'- Substituição para o Celtic: Sai Juárez entra Forrest.

75'- Golo de Elderson para o Braga. Canto batido do lado direito por Matheus com Elderson, oportuno, a desviar a bola para o fundo da baliza.

73'- Falta sobre Matheus livre perigoso contra o Celtic. Alan cobra a falta, a bola é cortada para fora da área onde surge Andrés Madrid a rematar de primeira torto e ao lado.

72'- Matheus flecte da direito para o meio e perto da quina da área atira ao lado.

71'- Boa jogada de Matheus a cruzar do lado direito com Salino a chegar ligeiramente atrasado à bola.

70'- Substituição no Celtic: Sai Maloney entra Murphy.

68'- Livre de Paulo César para a cabeça de Moisés que atira ao lado do poste esquerdo da baliza de Zaluska.

67'- Boa jogada do Braga com a bola a circular por vários jogadores da esquerda para a direita com Salino a cruzar largo para fora.

65'- Substituição no Braga: Sai Lima entra Matheus.

64'- Excelente corte de Elderson a por fim a um perigoso contra-ataque do Celtic.

63'- Braga parte bem para o contra-ataque, mas o passe de Lima para Salino sai longo.

58'- Cartão amarelo para Loovens do Celtic por entrada por trás sobre Lima.

52'- Alan, junto à linha de fundo do lado direito do ataque do Braga, cruza a bola para dentro da área, mas a defesa do Celtic corta.

51'- Jogada confusa de Paulo César a ganhar dois ressaltos, rematou fraco à figura de Zaluska.

48'- Elderson arranca pela esquerda do ataque do Braga e junto à linha de fundo cruza para Lima que estava ao segundo poste, mas o guarda-redes Zaluska interceptou a bola e agarrou com segurança.

46'- Falta de Moisés sobre Samaras. O livre pode levar perigo, mas a defesa do Braga afastou a bola.

21h06 Recomeço do jogo

20h49 Intervalo

45'- O árbitro dá mais 1' de tempo de compensação.

41'- Cartão amarelo para Hooiveld do Celtic por entrada perigosa sobre Lima.

40'- Passe muito longo para Alan que à entrada da área não consegue dominar a bola. Alan ficava na cara do golo.

38'- Passe fabuloso de Andrés Madrid para Lima, mas o central Loovens do Celtic fez um corte providencial para fora. Passou o perigo.

37'- Fora de jogo a Samaras e Brown com este ainda a rematar ao lado.

32'- Bom trabalho de Alan pelo lado esquerdo do ataque bracarense. O brasileiro cruza, mas Lima não consegue controlar a "Jabulani".

30'- Canto marcado por Paulo César, mas a bola passa por toda a gente na área sem aparecer o desvio.

27'- O Sp. Braga esteve perto do segundo quando Salino recebeu à entrada da área, rematou rasteiro, mas a bola saiu ao lado.

26'- Golo do Sp. Braga por Alan na transformação de uma grande penalidade.

23'- Cartão amarelo para Ki-Sung-Yong.

23'- Penálti contra o Celtic por mão na bola de Ki-Sung-Yong.

17'- No contra-golpe o Braga leva muito perigo à baliza do Celtic com Paulo César a rematar forte, o guarda-redes Zaluska não segura, a bola vai para a entrada da área onde aparece Andrés Madrid a rematar por cima.

16'- Grande jogada do Celtic pelo lado direito do ataque, cruzamento perigoso para Samaras, mas Moisés faz um corte providencial a tirar o "pão da boca" do grego do Celtic.

- Primeiros minutos de jogo com domínio repartido, mas sem grandes hipóteses de golo.

15'- Passe longo para Lima que já dentro da área não consegue parar no peito. Corta a defesa do Celtic.

11'- Falta de Ki-Sung-Yong sobre Lima quando o avançado arrancava pelo corredor direito.

9'- Arrancada de Lima pela direita, o jogador do Braga é travado em falta.

7'- Nova falta contra o Celtic, livre de Samaras sobre Moisés.

6'- Paulo César tenta escapar pela esquerda do ataque e é travado em falta. Livre contra o Celtic.

6'- Bom corte de Rodríguez que chega primeiro à bola do que Samaras que entrava na área para desviar uma bola cabeceada por Ledley.

5'- Cartão amarelo para Mulgrew do Celtic por demorar a repor a bola em jogo.

3'- Arrancada de Salino pela direita do ataque do Braga a conseguir ganhar um lançamento. Miguel Garcia coloca na área directamente, mas o Celtic consegue um corte fácil.

1'- Falta contra o Sp. Braga, livre cometido por Salino sobre Samaras. O livre é batido por Ki Su Yueng muito por cima da trave da baliza bracarense.

QuoteCL: Fenerbahçe en Braga zetten goede stap

Sporting Braga nadert de laatste voorronde van de Champions League. De nummer twee van Portugal won thuis knap met 3-0 van Celtic.

De eerste goal kwam op naam van Alan, die na 26 minuten een penalty benutte. Een kwartier voor tijd maakte Elderson de belangrijke tweede goal. In de slotminuut maakte Matheus zelfs nog 3-0, waardoor Braga een zeer comfortabele voorsprong meeneemt naar Glasgow.



QuoteVOX: Os meus parabens, Sp.Braga!

Vi apenas a segunda parte do encontro, mas o Braga conseguiu fazer o impossível! Vencer por 3 a 0 o Celtic, não só dá uma grande ventagem para a segunda mão, como dá um bom reconhecimento e prestígio...

Vi apenas a segunda parte do encontro, mas o Braga conseguiu fazer o impossível! Vencer por 3 a 0 o Celtic, não só dá uma grande ventagem para a segunda mão, como dá um bom reconhecimento e prestígio ao Sp. Braga!

A equipa do Celtic é forte, mas foi muito bem anulada pelo Sp. Braga! Excelente trabalho desenvolvido pelo Domingos em termos tacticos e como pôs uma equipa de "tostões" a jogar a bola! (E esta equipa é toda merito do Domingos, tanto agora como o foi no ano passado! E não do Jesus)

O Celtic com um orçamento talvez 8x maior que o Sp. Braga, e esta é a prova que os orçamentos não medem o real valor de uma equipa! O Braga foi um senhor neste jogo!

De destacar o Alan que é um belo jogador muito trabalhado por Domingos! Antes ninguem dava nada por ele... O lateral esquerdo do Braga que é tambem um belo jogador! Excelente contratação do Braga este Nigeriano!

Mas a principal figura foi o Matheus, ele entrou, como se diz na gíria, "com a pica toda", e assistiu num canto o Nigeriano para o golo, como marcou o golo da noite! Mas não só, ele conseguia ganhar faltas e jogava a toda a largura do campo! E os seus dribles e fintas, fazia gato sapato da defesa do Celtic!

Os meus parabens Sp Braga! A Champions passou de um sonho a uma realidade!

Cumprimentos de um adepto do FC Porto!! PARABENS!

QuoteBraga stuurt Celtic met lege handen naar huis: 3-0

Sporting Braga staat een grote stap dichter bij de vierde voorronde van de Champions League. De Portugezen wonnen thuis met 3-0 van Celtic. Ook Fenerbahçe nam een optie op de volgende ronde na een 2-2 gelijkspel op het veld van Young Boys.

Braga kwam op voorsprong nadat Alan een strafschop omzette. Een kwartier voor tijd maakte Elderson de belangrijke tweede goal. In de slotminuut maakte Matheus zelfs nog 3-0, waardoor Braga een zeer comfortabele voorsprong meeneemt naar Glasgow.

QuoteSp. Braga derrota Celtic

O Sporting de Braga recebeu e venceu, na noite desta quarta-feira, o Celtic, da Escócia, por 3-0, em partida da primeira mão da terceira pré-eliminatória de acesso à Liga dos Campeões.

Alan, aos 26 minutos, na transformação de uma grande penalidade, Elderson, ao minuto 76, de cabeça, após canto da direita, e Matheus, ao minuto 88, na cobrança, exímia, de um pontapé livre directo, foram os autores dos três golos da equipa que é treinada por Domingos Paciência.

O vice-campeão nacional Sporting de Braga joga agora no reduto dos escoceses do Celtic, o Celtic Park, em Glasgow, na próxima quarta-feira, dia 4 de Agosto.

QuoteCeltic vor dem Aus, Ajax muss zittern

Die dritte Runde der Qualifikation zur Champions League könnte für einige große Namen bereits das Aus bedeuten. Ganz prekär sieht die Lage bei Celtic Glasgow aus. Die Schotten gerieten bei Sporting Braga mit 0:3 unter die Räder und stehen bereits mit dem Rücken zur Wand. Auch für Ajax Amsterdam wird es schwer, der niederländische Rekordmeister kam zu Hause gegen PAOK Saloniki nicht über ein 1:1 hinaus. Thorsten Fink durfte dagegen jubeln.

Celtic Glasgow erwischte bei Sporting Braga einen rabenschwarzen Tag und geriet bereits nach 26 Minuten in Rückstand. Osorio Alan hatte einen Strafstoß für den portugiesischen Vize-Meister verwandelt. Braga gab sich jedoch mit dem knappen Vorsprung nicht zufrieden und legte nach dem Seitenwechsel durch Echiejile (76.) sowie Matheus (88.) nach. Mit einer komfortablen Drei-Tore-Führung kann Sporting nun nach Schottland reisen. Leicht dürfte es am kommenden Mittwoch aber nicht werden. Die Celtics benötigen zwar bereits ein "Fußball-Wunder", auf das sie aber vor ihren frenetischen Fans jedoch sicher aus sein werden.

QuoteCeltic hard ten onder, ruime zeges Basel en Partizan

Celtic moet komende woensdag tijdens de return met Sporting Braga in Glasgow een heldendaad verrichten om de vierde Champions League-voorronde te bereiken. In de eerste krachtmeting met de Portugezen, in de derde kwalificatieronde, incasseerden de Schotten vanavond een hard pak rammel: 3-0.

Celtic trad in Braga aan met onder andere Glenn Loovens en Jos Hooiveld in de defensie. De twee Nederlanders kregen het niet voor elkaar doelpunten van Osorio Alan (penalty), Uwa Echiejile en Leite Nascimento Matheus te voorkomen. Celtic was vorig seizoen ook al afwezig in het miljoenenbal.

QuoteCeltic Glasgow steht nach einer 0:3-Niederlage bei Sporting Braga in Portugal schon vor dem Aus.



QuoteChampions: Sp. Braga em grande na primeira-mão da terceira pré-eliminatória

O Sporting de Braga venceu os escoceses do Celtic, por 3-0, e colocou-se em vantagem na terceira pré-eliminatória da Liga dos Campeões de futebol, após o encontro da primeira-mão disputado no Minho.

O brasileiro Alan, na conversão de uma grande penalidade aos 26 minutos, o nigeriano Elderson (76), na sequência de um canto, e Mateus (88), com uma "bomba" de fora da área de livre directo, marcaram os golos dos arsenalistas e actuais vice-campeões nacionais, na estreia do Braga na "Champions".

A partida da segunda-mão está agendada para o dia 4 de Agosto, no Celtic Park, em Glasgow (Escócia).

QuoteDomingos: «Lembro-me do que aconteceu lá com o Benfica»
técnico alerta que a eliminatória não está resolvida

O técnico do Sp. Braga, Domingos Paciência, mostrou-se satisfeito pela vitória diante do Celtic, alertando que apesar do 3-0 a eliminatória ainda não está resolvida.

"Estamos em vantagem, mas quem pensa que está tudo fechado pode sofrer com isso. É um resultado muito bom. Temos de continuar a trabalhar com esta atitude", começou por dizer.

Domingos garantiu que a o Braga não joga com vontade de provar alguma coisa e destacou o mérito dos seus jogadores.

"Nós só queremos ultrapassar desafios. Não temos nada a provar. Os jogadores têm mérito. O Braga deu pouco espaço e obrigou o Celtic a este tipo de jogo", explicou, referindo que a sua equipa não deixou a turma escocesa crescer no terreno.

"São 90 minutos em que é importante continuar a pensar em ganhar. O ambiente é difícil, lembro-me perfeitamente do que aconteceu lá com o Benfica", disse Domingos sobre a 2.ª mão a disputar na Escócia a 5 de agosto, recordando a derrota do Benfica em 2007 no Celtic Park por 3-0.

QuoteCeltic kan Champions League-deelname vergeten

Het is hoogst onwaarschijnlijk dat de Nederlanders Jos Hooiveld en Glenn Loovens (foto) dit seizoen acte de présence in de Champions League zullen geven. De Nederlanders gingen in de derde voorronde van het kampioenenbal met Celtic keihard onderuit.

In Portugal bleek Sporting Braga veel te sterk voor de Schotse nummer twee van het afgelopen seizoen. Alan zette de thuisploeg vanaf elf meter op voorsprong. Bij die stand bleef het tot het laatste kwartier.

Een offensief van de Portugezen zorgden voor een ruimere overwinning. Uwa Echiejile was een kwartier voor tijd trefzeker. Matheus Nascimento maakte de Schotse misère in de slotminuut compleet door de eindstand op 3-0 te brengen.

QuoteCeltic poległ w Bradze, 90 minut Załuski

W spotkaniu trzeciej rundy eliminacji Ligi Mistrzów Sporting Braga wygrał na własnym stadionie z Celtikiem Glasgow 3-0. Całe spotkanie w bramce gości rozegrał Łukasz Załuska.

Bramki dla zwycięzców zdobyli Alan Osorio da Costa Silva (26. - karny), Elderson Uwa Echiejile (76.) i Matheus Nascimento (88.). Rewanż odbędzie się 4 sierpnia w Glasgow, ale szkocki zespół czekać będzie bardzo trudne zadanie.

Przypomnijmy, że Łukasz Załuska został pierwszym bramkarzem Celtiku, po tym jak klub sprzedał do włoskiej Fiorentiny Artura Boruca.
czytaj dalej

Sporting Braga - Celtic Glasgow 3-0 (1-0)

Bramki: 1-0 Alan Osorio da Costa Silva (26. - karny), 2-0 Elderson Uwa Echiejile (76.), 3-0 Matheus Nascimento (88.).,1512048,103

QuoteCeltic kansloos tegen Braga

BRAGA - Voor Celtic lijkt de hoop op een plaats in het hoofdtoernooi van de Champions League al na één wedstrijd in de kwalificatieronde vervlogen. De Schotse topclub ging in de eerste wedstrijd van de derde voorronde met 3-0 onderuit bij het Portugese Sporting Braga.

Alan maakte voor rust de openingstreffer uit een strafschop. In het laatste kwartier nam Braga verder afstand. Elderson en Matheus maakten de andere doelpunten.

Jos Hooiveld en Glenn Loovens hadden een basisplaats bij Celtic en kregen beiden een gele kaart. Over een week moet de ploeg van trainer Neil Lennon in eigen stadion flink aan de bak om nog kans te maken op plaatsing voor de vierde voorronde.

QuoteAlan (Sp. Braga): «Temos de manter esta garra»

Alan, em declarações à «Sport TV», depois da vitória do Sp. Braga sobre o Celtic (3-0), em jogo da primeira mão da terceira pré-eliminatória da Liga dos Campeões. O avançado marcou o primeiro golo na transformação de uma grande penalidade:

«Fizemos um grande jogo, sabemos que lá vai ser difícil. Temos de manter esta garra que temos».

[Esteve quase para deixar o Braga. Não está arrependido?]
«Não houve acordo, são coisas do futebol, sou profissional, sou jogador do Sp. Braga».

[Com esta vitória o Braga fica um curto passo do «Play-off»?]
« Vamos correr atrás disso, está ao nosso alcance. Hoje demos um passo importante, agora vamos descansar, depois logo se vê. Eles têm uma boa equipa, mas nós estivemos em alto nível, estudámos bem a equipa deles e anulámos o seu jogo».

QuoteBraga batter Bhoys in qualifier

Celtic's season got off to the worst possible start on Wednesday as they went down 3-0 to SC Braga in the first leg of their Champions League third qualifying round tie.

Osorio Alan, Uwa Echiejile and sub Nascimento Matheus hit the goals at the AXA Stadium as Neil Lennon's first European game as Bhoys manager left his side with a mountain to climb if they are to make the playoff round.

The game was Braga's first ever in the competition after their second place finish in Portugal last season and they were very much the better team on the night, as a rapidly-strewn together Celtic side struggled with the heat and sometimes with the basics.

Lennon left Aiden McGeady out of his squad fuelling speculation that a transfer for the Ireland star may be imminent. New boys Joe Ledley, Charlie Mulgrew, Efrain Juarez and Cha Du-Ri all started, however, but none of them – nor indeed any of their team-mates – could muster a shot on target for the Scottish side in the opening 45 minutes.

Ki Sung-Yeung (pictured) did send an early free-kick over the bar for the visitors, but the Portuguese side had the better of it in baking conditions, Lukasz Zaluska spilling a shot from Paolo Cesar and looking relieved when former Porto man Andres Madrid sent the follow up from 20 yards into the night sky.

However, he was spewing in the 25th minute as his Braga won a penalty. Ki conceded it, the South Korean adjudged to have handled Miguel Garcia's cross and Alan stepped up to fire the ball to the roof of the Pole's net from 12 yards.

Leandro Salino scuffed a great chance to make it 2-0 for Braga not long after that goal, but it was just the penalty from Alan that separated the sides at the break.

The second half was slow to get going with Shaun Maloney, a starter for Celtic for the first time since last October after a long injury, failing to trouble Braga goalkeeper Mario Felgudiraf with a free-kick.

The Bhoys were having no real luck in getting balls into the Braga box as a host of crosses from Mulgrew and Ki were cleared with ease, while at the other end Pinheiro Moises flashed a header wide from Paulo Cesar cross.

Matheus, not long on, then went agonisingly close for Domingos Paciencia's side when he shot just wide of Zaluska's right hand post from outside the area and the Hoops 'keeper then had to save another effort from Alan.

But he was beaten for a second time with just under a quarter of an hour to go. Celtic conceded a corner and, from Matheus' set-piece, Echiejile ghosted in alarmingly easily and got a touch to divert the ball to the back of Lennon's side's net.

Sub Daryl Murphy headed tamely wide on his debut as the Bhoys looked to respond with a vital away strike, but it was only Braga who were finding the net on the night and they got possibly a killer goal for the tie with two minutes to play courtesy of Matheus.

Moises was fouled by Scott Brown some 20 yards out and the Brazilian stepped up to fire the free-kick powerfully to the top corner of the Celtic net, leaving the Glasgow side needing snookers to advance any further in the competition.



QuoteDomingos: «Há outro jogo para tentarmos ganhar»
Treinador do Sp. Braga recorda que a eliminatória com o Celtic ainda vai a meio

Domingos Paciência, treinador do Sp. Braga, em declarações à «Sport Tv», depois do triunfo sobre os escoceses do Celtic (3-0), em jogo da primeira mão da terceira pré-eliminatória da Liga dos Campeões:

«É um passo importante. Acabou a primeira parte, neste momento estamos em vantagem, mas em futebol, quem facilita sofre com isso. É um bom resultado, mas há muito para fazer. Há que continuar a trabalhar de uma forma séria e com uma atitude boa como fez hoje a equipa. Criamos desafio a nós próprios. Queremos ganhar, mas não andamos a provar nada a ninguém. Às vezes consegue-se, outras não, mas não deixamos de tentar».

[Esperava mais do Celtic?]
«Não se viu mais da equipa escocesa, porque o Braga levou o Celtic a fazer este tipo de jogo e tirou vantagem disso. Hoje viram um Braga em bloco, que deu poucos espaços à equipa do Celtic que pratica um futebol directo. Quando assim é parece que os outros são menos bons, mas não, há que dar mérito ao que o Braga fez. Sabemos que ainda faltam noventa minutos, sabemos o que aconteceu com o Benfica [ganhou 3-0 na Luz e perdeu 0-3 em Glasgow], estamos preparados para isso. Há outro jogo para tentarmos ganhar».

QuoteSporting Braga 3-0 Celtic... Efraín Juárez debutó con derrota

El mexicano Efraín Juaréz debutó con el Celtic en la derrota 3-0 del equipo escocés ante el Sporting Braga de Portugal, en el partido de Ida de la tercera ronda de clasificación para la Fase de Grupos de la UEFA Champions League.


Efraín Juárez comenzó el encuentro como medio de contención, para hacer labores de recuperación de balón. Desde los primeros minutos del encuentro, el Sporting Braga presionó la salida del conjunto dirigido por Neil Lennon por lo que los centrales y mediocampistas del Celtic equivocaron muchos pases en el centro del campo.

Sin embargo, fue el jugador mexicano uno de los que mostró mayor capacidad técnica y distribuyó el juego de su escuadra aunque mostró cierto nerviosísmo, por lo que el ex jugador de los Pumas dio buenos toques hacia sus compañeros aunque también equivocó pases sencillos. Juárez cometió dos faltas y recibió una durante el primer lapso.

En el minuto 25 de la parte inicial, una mano dentro del área del Celtic del coreano Ki-Sung Yong, fue marcada como penal por el árbitro Serge Gumienny de Bélgica y el delantero del  Sporting, Alan, marcó el primer gol del encuentro.  

Para el segundo lapso, Juárez siguió en la contención aunque también buscó empujar a su equipo hacia el ataque. Sin embargo, ni Giorgios Samaras y Cha Du-Ri pudieron hacer daño en el arco defendido por el guardameta Felgueiras.

Fue al minuto 75 cuando después de un tiro de esquina, Elderson conectó con la cabeza y concretó el segundo gol del Braga. Cuatro minutos después, Juárez salió del partido al 79, con lo cual se consumó una discreta presentación en su nuevo equipo.

Por último, a tres minutos del final del encuentro, un disparo a balón parado de Matheus que el portero Zaluska no atacó de manera correcta, colocó el marcador definitivo de 3-0 en favor del Sporting de Braga.

Con la derrota del Celtic, Efraín Juárez se presentó con su nuevo equipo no de la mejor forma, ya que será complicado que la escuadra dirigida por Neil Lennon, pueda remontar tres goles de diferencia en el partido de vuelta a disputarse en el Celtic Park y acceder a la Fase de Grupos de la UEFA Champions League.

QuoteCeltic kansloos tegen Sporting Braga

BRAGA -  Voor Celtic lijkt de hoop op een plaats in het hoofdtoernooi van de Champions League al na één wedstrijd in de kwalificatieronde vervlogen. De Schotse topclub ging in de eerste wedstrijd van de derde voorronde met 3-0 onderuit bij het Portugese Sporting Braga.

Alan maakte voor rust de openingstreffer uit een strafschop. In het laatste kwartier nam Braga verder afstand. Elderson en Matheus maakten de andere doelpunten. Jos Hooiveld en Glenn Loovens hadden een basisplaats bij Celtic en kregen beiden een gele kaart. Over een week moet Celtic in eigen stadion flink aan de bak om nog kans te maken op plaatsing voor de vierde voorronde.

Fenerbahçe verschafte zich tegen Young Boys uit Zwitserland wel een goede uitgangspositie. De Turken maakten twee belangrijke uitdoelpunten en speelden met 2-2 gelijk. Emre Belözoglu en Miroslav Stoch, vorig seizoen nog spelend voor FC Twente, maakten de treffers voor Fenerbahçe. Emiliano Dudar zorgde voor het eerste Zwitserse doelpunt. Eén minuut voor het einde schoot Moreno Costanzo vanaf elf meter de gelijkmaker binnen.

QuotePreliminari Champions: crolla il Celtic

Gli scozzesi superati per 3-0 dallo Sporting Braga, bloccato l'Ajax, tutto facile per il Partizan Belgrado.

Si è disputata l'andata del 3° turno preliminare di Champions League.

Da segnalare il clamoroso tonfo del Celtic Glasgow che esce dal Portogallo con le ossa rotte dopo il 3-0 subito per mano dello Sporting Braga.

QuoteBraga stuurt Celtic met lege handen naar huis: 3-0

Sporting Braga staat een grote stap dichter bij de vierde voorronde van de Champions League. De Portugezen wonnen thuis met 3-0 van Celtic. Ook Fenerbahçe nam een optie op de volgende ronde na een 2-2 gelijkspel op het veld van Young Boys.

Braga kwam op voorsprong nadat Alan een strafschop omzette. Een kwartier voor tijd maakte Elderson de belangrijke tweede goal. In de slotminuut maakte Matheus zelfs nog 3-0, waardoor Braga een zeer comfortabele voorsprong meeneemt naar Glasgow.


Quote«Fizemos o jogo que quisemos» - Domingos

Ganhar ao Celtic é bom, mas por 3-0 é óptimo. Domingos Paciência, treinador do Sp. Braga, considera, no entanto, que a eliminatória ainda não está resolvida, embora enalteça a atitude dos seus pupilos na primeira-mão da terceira pré-eliminatória da Liga dos Campeões.

«A equipa conseguiu jogar muito bem na zona e não ir para fora das suas zonas. O Braga fez o jogo que queria, levou o Celtic a fazer este tipo de jogo e acabou por tirar vantagem disso», começou por afirmar o técnico.

Depois, Domingos explicou o segredo para o sucesso dos arsenalistas: «Por vezes as equipas não são aquilo que parecem. Vocês viram hoje aqui um Braga muito em bloco, a dar poucos espaços ao Celtic, sabendo que é uma equipa que joga em profundidade com um jogo muito directo».

«Quando assim é parece que os outros são menos bons, mas não, há que dar o mérito aquilo que os jogadores fizeram À forma como a equipa esteve em campo», louvou Domingos, em alusão à prestação dos seus jogadores.

A passagem à próxima fase ainda não está garantida. Falta jogar no Celtic Park, reduto temível devido ao forte ambiente sentido, e é por isso que o treinador dos minhotos vincou: «Acabou a primeira parte».

«Neste momento estamos em vantagem, mas no futebol quem facilita sofre com isso. Vamos continuar a trabalhar no sentido de passar à eliminatória seguinte. É um bom resultado, mas é preciso saber que há muito fazer», atirou.

QuoteCeltic blamiert sich in Portugal - Fener mit Glück

Celtic Glasgow kann alle Hoffnungen auf die Champions League wohl jetzt schon begraben. Der schottische Vertreter verlor das Hinspiel der 3. Runde in der Champions-League-Qualifikation beim SC Braga mit 0:3 und muss beim Rückspiel auf ein Wunder hoffen. Besser sehen die Chancen für Fenerbahce aus. Zittern muss Ajax Amsterdam.

Die Champions-League-Saison 2010/2011 wird wohl ohne Celtic Glasgow stattfinden. Der schottische Klub verlor am Mittwochabend beim SC Braga mit 0:3 (0:1) und steht in der 3. Quali-Runde der Champions League vor dem Aus.

Alan (26., Elfmeter), Uwa Echiéjilé (76.) und Matheus (88.) sorgten im Municipal für klare Verhältnisse. Nicht mit von der Partie war der Ex-Stuttgarter Andreas Hinkel, der nicht im Celtic-Aufgebot stand.

Beim Rückspiel am 4. August im Celtic-Park benötigt Celtic nun mindestens ein 4:0, um doch noch weiterzukommen.


QuoteNeil Lennon: «Foi um resultado desapontante, mas falta um jogo»
Sp. Braga-Celtic, 3-0 (reportagem)

Neil Lennon, técnico do Celtic de Glasgow, em declarações na sala de imprensa no final da derrota às mãos do Sp. Braga por 3-0:

«Foi um resultado muito desapontante e mau para a confiança da equipa. Podíamos ter feito muito mais. Os dois golos que sofremos no fim foram um golpe muito duro. Não estamos satisfeitos com a nossa performance, mas ainda falta um jogo. Não adianta agora estar a arranjar desculpas. Não esperava rematar tão pouco, mas podemos fazer muito melhor na próxima semana.»

QuoteElderson marcou na estreia: «Foi uma noite muito boa»

Elderson, autor do segundo golo do Sp. Braga, em declarações no final do triunfo sobre o Celtic de Glasgow, por 3-0:

«Foi um bom resultado e uma noite muito boa. Para mim é um bom início porque conseguimos um bom resultado para a segunda mão. Eles têm uma boa equipa, bons jogadores, mas estivemos melhor. Todos os dias tento luta pelo melhor para mim e para o clube. Estamos muito felizes e vamos tentar outro bom resultado lá.»

QuoteSementara, wakil Skotlandia, Glasgow Celtic harus dipermalukan Sporting Braga 3-0, di hadapan pendukungnya sendiri. Penalti di babak pertama (Alan) serta dua gol di babak kedua (Elderson & Matheus) tampaknya sudah cukup untuk mengubur harapan jawara Eropa 1967 melangkah ke babak utama.

QuoteMoisés dedica vitória sobre o Celtic ao pai falecido

Moisés, defesa do Sp. Braga, em declarações no final do triunfo sobre o Celtic de Glasgow, por 3-0:

«Foi a primeira parte de um jogo e um passo muito importante. É uma grande vitória e quero ressalvar o empenho de todos os jogaodres. Tivemos de trabalhar bem, no seguimento da pré-época que fizemos. Estava complicado, já sabíamos que íamos ter de dar muito, mas é tudo mérito nosso. Estudamos o adversário que é uma grande equipa e tivemos muito respeito. Quero dedicar este triunfo ao meu pai, que faleceu recentemente, e era uma pessoa muito importante para mim.»

QuoteEfraín tropieza en debut con el Celtic

Braga, Por. El Celtic Glasgow de Escocia perdió 0-3 frente al Braga de Portugal, en lo que significó el debut del defensa mexicano Efraín Juárez, en la Liga de Campeones de Europa.

En partido de "ida" de la tercera ronda de la "Champions", el cuadro lusitano aprovechó su condición de local en el Estadio Municipal, para sacar una cómoda ventaja de cara al duelo de la próxima semana en suelo escocés.

El delantero brasileño Alan Osorio da Costa Silva, al minuto 26, abrió el marcador tras cobrar un penal, mientras que el defensa nigeriano Uwa Elderson Echiejile, al 76, y el también atacante amazónico Matheus Leite Nascimento, al 89, sentenciaron el triunfo portugués.

El estratega del Celtic, el norirlandés Neil Lenon, cumplió lo que prometió en días pasados de darle minutos de juego a Efraín Juárez, quien disputó 79 con una regular actuación al igual que sus compañeros, insuficiente para evitar la derrota.

El ex jugador de Pumas de la UNAM del futbol mexicano, se desempeñó por el lateral derecho y por momentos pudo irse al frente, pero sin crear demasiado peligro, sufrió algunas faltas. Fue sustituido por James Forrest.

Los "Hoops" sufrieron en los balones parados donde el Braga fue eficiente primero por la vía penal, después en un tiro de esquina y finalmente en un cobro de falta.

Ahora el Celtic buscará remontar el marcador cuando en el Celtic Park, reciba al Braga en lo que será el duelo de "vuelta" de la tercera ronda de la "Champions", a desarrollarse el próximo 4 de agosto.

QuoteVandinho: «Vamos a Glasgow com a mesma garra e determinação»

Vandinho, capitão do Sp. Braga, em declarações no final do triunfo sobre o Celtic de Glasgow, por 3-0:

«Este é o momento de comemorar o grande jogo que fizemos, mas sabemos que não está nada decidido. Temos mais 90 minutos para conseguir um grande sonho. Sabemos o ambiente que vamos encontrar, mas estamos preparados. Vai ser difícil, mas sabemos que é isso que queremos, até porque para estar hoje a realizar este sonho, tivemos de lutar muito no ano passado. Esta foi uma noite muito boa, todos deram o seu melhor e conseguimos um grande resultado. Foi um passo muito importante. Vamos jogar lá da mesma forma, com a mesma garra e determinação.»

QuoteDomingos: «Passo de gigante? É um bom passo»

Domingos Paciência, treinador do Sp. Braga, comentando o triunfo sobre o Celtic de Glasgow, por 3-0:

«Não diria que é um passo de gigante mas é um bom passo. Estamos no intervalo de uma eliminatória, mas nos próximos 90 minutos também teremos muito a dizer. A equipa fez hoje por merecer este resultado. Agora virá o segundo jogo. Não há motivo para festejar alguma coisa agora, não podemos dormir à sombra da bananeira.»

«A ideia que passa é que o Celtic foi de contenção, mas preparamos isso, tentando limitar ao máximo o Celtic. Temos de valorizar aquilo que fizemos nestes 90 minutos e viram que fomos pressionantes, defendemos bloco e, se fomos felizes, foi porque o que procuramos. Num jogo como este, tão encaixado, há poucas situações de golo e é preciso resolver o jogo nesses lances. Importante era ganhar e depois de fazermos 1-0 fomos procurando mais golos, limitando o jogo do Celtic.»

«No futebol é preciso ter cautelas até conseguir o sucesso completo, temos de ter consciência que temos de trabalhar porque temos um segundo jogo num estádio difícil contra uma equipa que será diferente.»

QuoteChampions League - Che tris del Braga, l'Ajax viene frenato

Nell'andata del terzo turno preliminare di Champions League, il Bragaesordisce col botto nella massima vetrina europea superando 3-0 il Celtic. Ad Amsterdam l'Ajax viene fermato sull'1-1 dal Paok Salonicco. Spettacolare 2-2 tra Young Boys e Fenerbahçe mentre il Basilea passeggia in Ungheria

Lo Sporting Braga ha atteso 55 anni per avere almeno un assaggio di quello che è la Champions League. In conferenza stampa il tecnico dei lusitani Paciencia sembrava averci preso gusto dicendo di non voler concedere nulla al Celtic, e così è stato: allo stadio Municpal di Braga gli scozzesi sono stati letteralmente asfaltati (3-0).

Dopo aver dato filo da torcere al Benfica nella Superliga portoghese, i padroni di casa ipotecano la qualificazione agli spareggi di Champions League segnando tre reti agli avversari. I neo acquisti Elderson Echiéjilé e Leandro Salino partono dall'inizio ma ad aprire le danze è Osario Alan al 26' su rigore, concesso per un fallo di mano di Ki Sung-Yeung. Il raddoppio al 76' porta la firma proprio del giovane difensore nigeriano e a due minuti dal triplisce fischio arriva anche il sigillo finale del neo entrato Matheus. Ora agli scozzesi servirà un vero e proprio miracolo per rimanere nella competizione.

Quote«Agora temos que manter a garra, união e dedicação» - Alan

O autor do primeiro golo do Sp. Braga frente ao Celtic, Alan, considera que os minhotos estiveram imparáveis frente aos escoceses, mas deixa o alerta que no Celtic Park vai ser muito mais difícil.

«Fizemos um grande jogo», afirmou o avançado brasileiro, acrescentando que «lá vai ser mais difícil».

«Agora temos que manter essa união e dedicação que temos para chegar lá e fazer um bom resultado», vincou.

Os arsenalistas vão disputar o derradeiro encontro da terceira pré-eliminatória da Liga dos Campeões a 4 de Agosto, no Celtic Park, reduto dos "católicos".

QuoteCeltic, Ajax in nightmare Champions League starts

(AFP) – 58 minutes ago

PARIS — Former European champions Celtic and Ajax were battling for Champions League survival on Wednesday after enduring nightmare starts to their qualifying campaigns.

Celtic, with Neil Lennon taking charge of his first European tie, saw his Scottish side slump to a 3-0 defeat to Sporting Braga in Portugal in the first leg of their third qualifying round tie.

Ajax, four-time winners of Europe's premier club tournament and coached by former Tottenham boss Martin Jol, were held 1-1 at home by PAOK Athens.

Braga, who won all but one game and conceded just six times at home in their run to second place in the Portuguese league last season, were ahead in the 25th minute against Celtic.

Alan Silva converted a penalty after South Korean international Ki Sung-Yeung blocked a cross in the box with his arm.

Braga doubled their lead in the 76th minute when Nigerian defender Uwa Elderson Echiejile headed in a corner.

Brazilian substitute Nascimento Matheus scored a sensational free-kick from 35 yards in the 88th minute to leave Celtic with a mountain to climb at Parkhead in the return leg next week.

QuoteChampions-League-Qualifikation, 3. Runde
Mittwoch, 28.07.2010
Celtic blamiert sich in Portugal - Fener mit Glück
Celtic Glasgow kann alle Hoffnungen auf die Champions League wohl jetzt schon begraben. Der schottische Vertreter verlor das Hinspiel der 3. Runde in der Champions-League-Qualifikation beim SC Braga mit 0:3 und muss beim Rückspiel auf ein Wunder hoffen. Besser sehen die Chancen für Fenerbahce aus. Zittern muss Ajax Amsterdam.

Die Champions-League-Saison 2010/2011 wird wohl ohne Celtic Glasgow stattfinden. Der schottische Klub verlor am Mittwochabend beim SC Braga mit 0:3 (0:1) und steht in der 3. Quali-Runde der Champions League vor dem Aus.

Alan (26., Elfmeter), Uwa Echiéjilé (76.) und Matheus (88.) sorgten im Municipal für klare Verhältnisse. Nicht mit von der Partie war der Ex-Stuttgarter Andreas Hinkel, der nicht im Celtic-Aufgebot stand.

Beim Rückspiel am 4. August im Celtic-Park benötigt Celtic nun mindestens ein 4:0, um doch noch weiterzukommen.

QuoteA portugál Sporting Braga a skót Celticet, míg a szerb Partizan Belgrade a finn Helsinkit győzte le egyaránt 3-0 arányban.

QuotePierde el Celtic en debut de Efraín Juárez en Champions

El Celtic Glasgow de Escocia perdió 0-3 frente al Braga de Portugal, en lo que significó el debut del defensa mexicano Efraín Juárez, en la Liga de Campeones de Europa.

En partido de Ida de la tercera ronda de la Champions, el cuadro lusitano aprovechó su condición de local en el Estadio Municipal, para sacar una cómoda ventaja de cara al duelo de la próxima semana en suelo escocés.

El delantero brasileño Alan Osorio da Costa Silva, al minuto 26, abrió el marcador tras cobrar un penal, mientras que el defensa nigeriano Uwa Elderson Echiejile, al 76, y el también atacante amazónico Matheus Leite Nascimento, al 89, sentenciaron el triunfo portugués.

El estratega del Celtic, el norirlandés Neil Lenon, cumplió lo que prometió en días pasados de darle minutos de juego a Efraín Juárez, quien disputó 79 con una regular actuación al igual que sus compañeros, insuficiente para evitar la derrota.

El ex jugador de Pumas de la UNAM del futbol mexicano, se desempeñó por el lateral derecho y por momentos pudo irse al frente, pero sin crear demasiado peligro, sufrió algunas faltas. Fue sustituido por James Forrest.

Los 'Hoops' sufrieron en los balones parados donde el Braga fue eficiente primero por la vía penal, después en un tiro de esquina y finalmente en un cobro de falta.

Ahora el Celtic buscará remontar el marcador cuando en el Celtic Park, reciba al Braga en lo que será el duelo de 'vuelta' de la tercera ronda de la 'Champions', a desarrollarse el próximo 4 de agosto.,,OI4591873-EI14201,00-Pierde+el+Celtic+en+debut+de+Efrain+Juarez+en+Champions.html

QuoteSp. Braga: elogio a uma equipa competente
... e a um treinador realmente de topo.

O Sp. Braga ficou a um passo de eliminar o Celtic, depois de um triunfo seguro e expressivo no seu estádio frente aos escoceses por 3-0. O caminho ainda é longo e promete ainda dores de cabeça no play-off, se os minhotos resistirem, como se espera, ao inferno de Glasgow.

Os mérito tem um dono: Domingos Paciência. Provavelmente, não será novidade, mas não precisamos de mais provas para podermos dizer em voz alta que estamos mesmo perante um treinador de topo. A última temporada, sobretudo a partir do momento em que perdeu referências e manteve a aderência na luta pelo título, mais este regresso aos jogos oficiais competente e praticamente definitivo depois da perda, mais uma vez, de unidades importantes reforça a ideia da existência de um dom para formar equipas de sucesso.

Este triunfo, para já, quer dizer pouco. Mesmo que o adversário seja um Celtic com um ou outro bom nome - no Celtic Park terá de mostrar muito mais «riqueza» do que hoje -, é apenas o primeiro encontro da temporada e os riscos de errar na análise são elevados. As ideias são as mesmas: recuperação rápida da bola nas fases de transição dos rivais, jogadas de envolvimento pelos flancos com a participação dos laterais, muita força nas bolas paradas (hoje marcaram os três golos assim) e movimentos de compensação de todos os jogadores quando não está em posse de bola. Quando os que lá estão não conseguem ganhar o jogo, ou é preciso aproveitar algum espaço dado pelos adversários, entra Matheus e a bola começa a sair para o brasileiro. De forma mais directa.



QuoteBraga thrash Celtic, Ajax held

Celtic were left on the brink of crashing out of this season's Champions League after gifting Braga a 3-0 win in Wednesday's third qualifying round first leg.

A controversial first-half penalty from Alan - awarded after Ki Sung-Yeung was adjudged to have handled - a debut goal from Uwa Elderson Echiejile, and a stunning free-kick from substitute Matheus ensured the Hoops' miserable European away record continued under Neil Lennon.

Celtic failed to muster a single shot on target in sweltering conditions at the AXA Stadium, with their opponents comfortably holding sway in what was both sides' first competitive match of the season.

Alan kept his cool to convert a 26th minute opener from the spot, before appalling defending gifted Braga their second goal 15 minutes from time, when Matheus' corner missed by a host of players before Elderson bundled the ball home.

Mattheus, on as a second-half substitute, then blasted home a spectacular third from a long-range free-kick to condemn the Hoops to an embarassing defeat.

QuoteLate goals send Celtic crashing in Champions League Qualifier

Celtic look set for an early exit from the Champions League after a 3-0 defeat away to Braga in a Champions League qualifying tie, first leg.

The Hoops were outclassed from the outset and Osorio Alan gave the hosts the lead with a first half penalty after Ki Sung-Yeung handled.

Neil Lennon's team held out until the final fifteen minutes when they conceded two more goals which was no more than Braga deserved.

Uwa Echiejile took advantage of some slack defending adding a second goal from a corner on 76 minutes, then substitute Matheus hit a deflected free-kick over the head of goalkeeper Lucas Zaluska a minute from time.

Braga will feel confident of finishing the job in the second leg at Parkhead next Wednesday.

Champions League third qualifying round, first leg

Venue: Estadio AXA, Braga

Att: 12,295

BRAGA: Felgueiras, Rodriguez, Moises, Cesar, Garcia, Lima, Elderson, Madrid, Salino, Alan, Vandinho

Substitutes: Artur, Barbosa, Keita, Meyong, Silvio, Capela, Matheus.

CELTIC: [4-2-3-1] Zaluska, Mulgrew, Hooiveld, Loovens, Cha, Juarez, Brown (c), Ledley, Ki, Samaras, Maloney

Substitutes: Cervi, Rogne, Crosas, McCourt, Murphy, Forrest, Fortune

Referee: Serge Gumienny (BEL)

Assistant referees: Mark Simons (BEL), Frank Bleyen (BEL)

Fourth official: Laurent Colemonts (BEL)

QuoteBraga brush Celtic aside

Celtic are on the brink of crashing out of this season's Champions League after gifting Braga a 3-0 win in Wednesday night's third qualifying round first leg.

A controversial first-half penalty from Alan - awarded after Ki Sung-Yeung was adjudged to have handled - a debut goal from Uwa Elderson Echiejile, and a stunning free-kick from substitute Matheus ensured the Hoops' miserable European away record continued under Neil Lennon.

Celtic failed to muster a single shot on target in sweltering conditions at the AXA Stadium, with their opponents comfortably holding sway in what was both sides' first competitive match of the season.

Celtic failed to muster a single shot on target in sweltering conditions, and they may have to turn the tie around next week without star winger Aiden McGeady, whose Parkhead career could be over after he was left out of the squad for the club's first competitive game of the season.

Lennon had insisted on Tuesday he would field winger McGeady - who is rumoured to want to leave - unless he was ordered not to pick him by the club's hierarchy. Instead, four players were handed their competitive debuts, with summer signings Joe Ledley, Charlie Mulgrew, Efrain Juarez and Cha Du-Ri all in the starting XI.

There was no real goalmouth action until the 17th minute, when a cross from Shaun Maloney - out since October due to injury - was acrobatically cleared by Moises. Braga broke up the other end and Lukasz Zaluska spilled a Paulo Cesar shot he should have held before Andres Madrid blazed his follow-up over from 20 yards.

Then, in the 25th minute, the hosts were awarded a controversial penalty when Ki was adjudged to have handled Miguel Garcia's cross, earning a booking. Alan fired the spot-kick into the roof of the net to put Braga ahead and moments later Salino could have made it 2-0 but he scuffed his finish wide on the turn.

The signs were not good at the start of the second half when Elderson got in behind Cha all too easily but his cross was too close to Zaluska. The Celtic defence then dawdled as Cesar tried to force his way into the box, a gaggle of players doing just enough to stifle his finish.

Celtic's search for an equaliser risked exposing them at the back, but there was no legislating for the appalling defending that gifted Braga their second goal 15 minutes from time. Matheus' corner evaded a host of players before Elderson bundled the ball home.

Charlie Mulgrew sent a free-kick wide for the visitors which Mario Felgueiras had covered before Matheus showed him how it should be done, stepping up after a foul three minutes from time and blasting into the top corner.

QuoteMcGeady left out as Celtic crash

Celtic suffered a 3-0 defeat to Braga in the first leg of their Champions League third qualifying clash in Portugal on Wednesday night.

And they may have to turn the tie around next week without star winger Aiden McGeady, whose Parkhead career could be over after he was left out of the squad for the club's first competitive game of the season.

Life after McGeady does not look very promising on this evidence, with goals from Alan, debutant Uwa Elderson Echiejile and substitute Matheus condemning Neil Lennon to defeat on his European debut as manager.

Celtic failed to muster a single shot on target in sweltering conditions, with their opponents comfortably holding sway.

Lennon insisted before the game he would field winger McGeady - who is rumoured to want to leave - tonight unless he was ordered not to pick him by the club's hierarchy.

Instead, four players were handed their competitive debuts, with summer signings Joe Ledley, Charlie Mulgrew, Efrain Juarez and Cha Du-Ri all in the starting XI.

Braga, whose summer recruitment drive dwarfed that of their opponents following the loss of some key men, handed debuts to Rodrigo Lima, and Leandro Salino.

The hosts were playing their first ever Champions League game having finished second in Portugal last season.

Mulgrew made a bad early impression in a Celtic jersey with a fourth-minute yellow card for time-wasting at a throw-in.

That was after Ki had sent a free-kick over the crossbar, won by lone frontman Georgios Samaras.

The heat, despite Lennon's confidence yesterday, was stifling and both sides looked a yard off the pace in what was their maiden competitive game of the season.

Indeed, there was no real goalmouth action until the 17th minute, when a cross from Shaun Maloney - out since October due to injury - was acrobatically cleared by Moises.

Braga broke up the other end and Lukasz Zaluska spilled a Paulo Cesar shot he should have held before Andres Madrid blazed his follow-up over from 20 yards.

Then, in the 25th minute, the hosts were awarded a controversial penalty when Ki was adjudged to have handled Miguel Garcia's cross, earning a booking.

Alan fired the spot-kick into the roof of the net to put Braga ahead.

Salino could have immediately made it 2-0 but he scuffed his finish wide on the turn.

The already vocal home support was now bouncing - literally - while the small band of travelling fans were left to contemplate yet another reminder of Celtic's miserable European away record.

Captain Scott Brown was flagged offside attempting to volley Mulgrew's back-post cross but it was Braga who were getting closer to legally getting in behind their opponents.

Jos Hooiveld picked up a yellow card for clattering into Lima seconds after a talking to from referee Serge Gumienny.

The signs were not good at the start of the second half when Elderson got in behind Cha all too easily but his cross was too close to Zaluska.

The Celtic defence then dawdled as Cesar tried to force his way into the box, a gaggle of players doing just enough to stifle his finish.

Glenn Loovens became the latest Hoops defender booked after fouling Lima as the visitors' problems continued beyond the hour mark.

None of the new faces were making an impact as Celtic struggled to string more than a handful of passes together.

Lima was eventually taken out of the firing line, with Matheus coming on up front.

Moises had time to flash a header wide before Lennon responded by introducing new boy Daryl Murpy for Maloney.

Celtic soon won their first corner, which came to nought, but their search for an equaliser risked exposing them at the back.

But there was no legislating for the appalling defending that gifted Braga their second goal 15 minutes from time, Matheus' corner missed by a host of players before Elderson bundled the ball home.

Lennon threw on Forrest for the disappointing Juarez knowing an away goal would change the whole complexion of the tie.

Charlie Mulgrew sent a free-kick wide which Mario Felgueiras had covered before Matheus showed him how it should be done.

The substitute stepped up after a foul three minutes from time and blasted a shot which flew into the top corner.

Salino became the only Braga player booked in stoppage-time and Alan was withdrawn for Helder Barbosa as the home fans celebrated.


QuoteCeltic can kiss goodbye to Europe after 3-0 defeat to Braga

Celtic can kiss goodbye to European Football this season as they suffered an abysmal 3-0 defeat to Champions League debutant's Sporting Braga. It was the Portuguese sides first taste of Champions League football, although going on the performance of their opponents they could be fooled into thinking they were playing in a Sunday League cup competition.

A Brazilian called Alan [yep and no it's not something out of Monty Python] slotted home a controversial first half penalty after Celtic's Ki Sung-Yeung handled in the box. Replays showed it was ball to hand, but claims of injustice went ignored by the official. And even when Alan's start-stop-start penalty hit the back of the net, the referee failed to order a retake despite FIFA's new rulings on such an issue.

Piss poor defending at a corner led to Braga's second as Uwa Echiejile took full advantage of Celtic's inability to defend, to slot home the Portuguese side's second of the night after 76 minutes, and a superb 30 yard free kick from Nascimento Matheus beat the hapless and out of position Lukasz Zaluska to complete an embarrassing night for Neil Lennon's side. Although they never deserved anything from the game in a toothless performance that will have no one in Europe nor in the SPL shaking in their boots.

While excuses can be made, that it was the side's first competitive game of the season, the fact that not a single shot on goal was recorded is embarrassing and shambolic, given that Braga were not a class act. In fact they had their own weaknesses, but Lennon's use of Samaras as the lone striker came back to haunt Celtic and their supporters once again, as the big Greek was found wanting in another important game. Lennon recently called the Greek and enigma, Celtic fans just call him shite.

Celtic still have one more game to play in the Champions League this season, and while this result was no Artmedia Bratislava, the SPL runners-up still had their arses handed to them on a plate by the Portuguese side, and deserve to get nothing from the second game unless they stage a miraculous turn around in their ability to kick a football, which after recent showings in pre-season, highly unlikely.

Although some will claim that the atmosphere at Celtic Park will shock Braga into capitulation, I cannot say the same thing. After witnessing first hand the dire goings on within Parkhead last season under Mowbray and then Lennon, and despite the fact that the second leg is on the Season Ticket and will not be on the telly, it won't be a sell out and the atmosphere will not be worth writing about other than to showcase how the mighty have fallen.

At least the Celtic support can now save their pennies up for Christmas, instead of following their side around Europe.

QuoteCeltic slump to Champions League defeat

BRAGA, Portugal (AFP) - Neil Lennon endured a nightmare European debut as Celtic boss as Portuguese side Braga claimed a 3-0 win in the first leg of their Champions League third qualifying round tie on Wednesday.

The home side had been on top when Alan Silva converted a 25th-minute penalty after South Korean international Ki Sung-Yeung blocked a cross in the box with his arm.

Braga who doubled their lead when Nigerian defender Uwa Elderson Echiejile headed in a corner before Brazilian substitute Nascimento Matheus scored a sensational free-kick from 35 yards in the 88th minute to leave Celtic with a mountain to climb at Parkhead in the return leg next Wednesday.

Braga won all but one game and conceded just six times at home in their run to second place in the Portuguese league last season and never really looked like losing a goal to the Old Firm giants, who face crashing out of Europe before their domestic season has even begun.

Celtic handed starts to new boys Joe Ledley, Efrain Juarez, Cha Du-Ri and Charlie Mulgrew while Irish international Aiden McGeady wasn't even named amongst the substitutes.

The Scottish side were presented with the first chance of the match early on when Georgios Samaras was fouled 30 yards out but Ki blasted the free-kick high over the bar.

Brazilian Alan was pulling the strings for Braga in midfield and threaded a ball through the middle for fellow countryman Lima but Zaluska was off his line early to snub out the danger.

Shaun Maloney's cross was acrobatically cut out by Pinheiro Moises as Samaras looked to connect with it just seconds before Paolo Cesar came close to giving Braga the lead. The Brazilian cut in from the right before unleashing a vicious low shot which Lukasz Zaluska did well to block with Andres Madrid blazing the follow-up well over.

Braga were handed the lead in the 25th minute when Ki gave away a penalty when he was adjudged to have blocked a cross from the right with his arm.

Alan confidently sent his spot-kick high into the top right hand corner of the net, giving Polish keeper Zaluska no chance.

The home side could have been two up almost straight from the restart when Cesar set up Leandro Salino who shot wide from just inside the box.

Celtic looked more composed in the second-half and began to dominate midfield without creating any clear cut chances.

Braga had been forced to hand keeper Mario Felgueiras a two-week contract after releasing him, in order to cover for injured duo Quim and Artur Moreas but he didn't have a save to make as Celtic failed to test him.

Good work from Andreas Madrid set up Alan who forced Zaluska into conceding a corner from which Braga doubled their lead in the 76th minute.

Substitute Matheus sent in a corner which was missed by several Celtic players before Elderson headed past Zaluska.

Things got worse for Celtic just before the whistle when Matheus sent a powerful, swerving free-kick over the out-stretched hand of Zaluska, who should have done better, from 35 yards out.

QuoteCeltic, Ajax in nightmare Champions League starts

PARIS (AFP) - Former European champions Celtic and Ajax were battling for Champions League survival on Wednesday after enduring nightmare starts to their qualifying campaigns.

Celtic, with Neil Lennon taking charge of his first European tie, saw his Scottish side slump to a 3-0 defeat to Sporting Braga in Portugal in the first leg of their third qualifying round tie.

QuoteEl Celtic Glasgow de Escocia perdió 0-3 frente al Braga de Portugal, en lo que significó el debut del defensa mexicano Efraín Juárez, en la Liga de Campeones de Europa.

En partido de "ida" de la tercera ronda de la "Champions" , el cuadro lusitano aprovechó su condición de local en el Estadio Municipal, para sacar una cómoda ventaja de cara al duelo de la próxima semana en suelo escocés.

El delantero brasileño Alan Osorio da Costa Silva, al minuto 26, abrió el marcador tras cobrar un penal, mientras que el defensa nigeriano Uwa Elderson Echiejile, al 76, y el también atacante amazónico Matheus Leite Nascimento, al 89, sentenciaron el triunfo portugués.

El estratega del Celtic, el norirlandés Neil Lenon, cumplió lo que prometió en días pasados de darle minutos de juego a Efraín Juárez, quien disputó 79 con una regular actuación al igual que sus compañeros, insuficiente para evitar la derrota.

El ex jugador de Pumas de la UNAM del futbol mexicano, se desempeñó por el lateral derecho y por momentos pudo irse al frente, pero sin crear demasiado peligro, sufrió algunas faltas. Fue sustituido por James Forrest.

Los "Hoops" sufrieron en los balones parados donde el Braga fue eficiente primero por la vía penal, después en un tiro de esquina y finalmente en un cobro de falta.

Ahora el Celtic buscará remontar el marcador cuando en el Celtic Park, reciba al Braga en lo que será el duelo de "vuelta" de la tercera ronda de la "Champions" , a desarrollarse el próximo 4 de agosto.

QuoteLennon defiant after defeat

Neil Lennon has insisted Celtic's Champions League dream is still alive - and that Aiden McGeady could be part of turning around their third qualifying round tie against Braga next week.

Lennon watched his side crash to a 3-0 defeat in Wednesday evening's first leg at AXA Stadium, which McGeady missed 24 hours after his manager insisted he would play.

The winger's omission fuelled speculation his Parkhead career was at an end but Lennon revealed afterwards the 24-year-old had been left out after a back problem flared up and not because he was on the brink of being sold.

Even the return of McGeady will struggle to overturn the deficit Celtic left Portugal with, but Lennon was adamant the tie was far from finished.

"Some people may think the tie is over; we don't," he declared. "We've got a good record at home, we've been in this position before and we'll just have to go and be at our very best next week."

On McGeady's absence, Lennon denied knowledge of any developments on a possible move, adding: "He was complaining of a chronic back injury last night. Having spoken to the medical team, with the lack of training and the lack of game time he's had, I thought it best not to risk him. Hopefully, we'll have him for the second leg."

QuoteBraga brush Celtic aside

Celtic are on the brink of crashing out of this season's Champions League after gifting Braga a 3-0 win in Wednesday night's third qualifying round first leg.

A controversial first-half penalty from Alan - awarded after Ki Sung-Yeung was adjudged to have handled - a debut goal from Uwa Elderson Echiejile, and a stunning free-kick from substitute Matheus ensured the Hoops' miserable European away record continued under Neil Lennon.

Celtic failed to muster a single shot on target in sweltering conditions at the AXA Stadium, with their opponents comfortably holding sway in what was both sides' first competitive match of the season.

Celtic failed to muster a single shot on target in sweltering conditions, and they may have to turn the tie around next week without star winger Aiden McGeady, whose Parkhead career could be over after he was left out of the squad for the club's first competitive game of the season.

Lennon had insisted on Tuesday he would field winger McGeady - who is rumoured to want to leave - unless he was ordered not to pick him by the club's hierarchy. Instead, four players were handed their competitive debuts, with summer signings Joe Ledley, Charlie Mulgrew, Efrain Juarez and Cha Du-Ri all in the starting XI.

There was no real goalmouth action until the 17th minute, when a cross from Shaun Maloney - out since October due to injury - was acrobatically cleared by Moises. Braga broke up the other end and Lukasz Zaluska spilled a Paulo Cesar shot he should have held before Andres Madrid blazed his follow-up over from 20 yards.

Then, in the 25th minute, the hosts were awarded a controversial penalty when Ki was adjudged to have handled Miguel Garcia's cross, earning a booking. Alan fired the spot-kick into the roof of the net to put Braga ahead and moments later Salino could have made it 2-0 but he scuffed his finish wide on the turn.

The signs were not good at the start of the second half when Elderson got in behind Cha all too easily but his cross was too close to Zaluska. The Celtic defence then dawdled as Cesar tried to force his way into the box, a gaggle of players doing just enough to stifle his finish.

Celtic's search for an equaliser risked exposing them at the back, but there was no legislating for the appalling defending that gifted Braga their second goal 15 minutes from time. Matheus' corner evaded a host of players before Elderson bundled the ball home.

Charlie Mulgrew sent a free-kick wide for the visitors which Mario Felgueiras had covered before Matheus showed him how it should be done, stepping up after a foul three minutes from time and blasting into the top corner.



QuoteChampions League: FC Braga drubs Celtic, PAOK holds Ajax

It was a worse night for another former European champion, with Celtic losing 3-0 to FC Braga in Portugal.

QuoteCletic onderuit bij Braga

Voor Celtic lijkt de hoop op een plaats in het hoofdtoernooi van de Champions League al na één wedstrijd in de kwalificatieronde vervlogen. De Schotse topclub ging in de eerste wedstrijd van de derde voorronde met 3-0 onderuit bij het Portugese Sporting Braga.

Alan maakte voor rust de openingstreffer uit een strafschop. In het laatste kwartier nam Braga verder afstand. Elderson en Matheus maakten de andere doelpunten.
Jos Hooiveld en Glenn Loovens hadden een basisplaats bij Celtic en kregen beiden een gele kaart. Over een week moet de ploeg van trainer Neil Lennon in eigen stadion flink aan de bak om nog kans te maken op plaatsing voor de vierde voorronde.!+-+Het+laatste+voetbalnieuws%2C+uitslagen+en+spelersprofielen%29

Quotefirst-leg defeat puts braga in the driving seat

Laura Brannan
NEIL Lennon's first competitive game in charge as the Celtic manager ended in a 3-0 defeat at the hands of SC Braga in the first-leg of the Champions League third round qualifier.

The Hoops battled through the Portuguese heat but went down to a soft penalty in the first half and were punished twice in the second, setting up a difficult return leg next Wednesday in Glasgow.

Lennon fielded a new look side to the one which finished last season, with four new players making their competitive debuts for the Hoops. Cha Du-Ri, Charlie Mulgrew, Efrain Juarez and Joe Ledley made the starting XI along with Shaun Maloney, who returned after nine months on the sidelines. Dutch defender Jos Hooiveld also started for what was his third competitive appearance following a number of lengthy injuries.

It was a promising start from Celtic who enjoyed most of the early possession in Braga's half, but without actually creating a chance on goal.

The home side's first real effort came after 17 minutes, when Lukusz Zaluska parried away a low drive coming in from the left. Salino slipped before he could reach the loose ball but Andreas Madrid got onto the end of it and thumped it high over the bar.

The first half was dogged with unnecessary stopping from the referee and it failed to get into flowing fashion. On 24 minutes, play was halted again as Braga were awarded a penalty for a foul by Ki Sung Yueng which Alan coolly converted to put the home side 1-0 up.

The goal sparked Braga into life as they piled pressure on Celtic and came close to doubling their lead almost instantly.

But the Hoops controlled the play well and looked sharp on the ball in the first-half, despite the match coming at such an early point in the season.

Celtic headed into the break one goal down, with their best effort falling to Scott Brown on 37 minutes. His quick flick skimmed the wrong side of the post but was flagged for offside mid-strike.

The visitors started the second half brightly with some delightful passing play but despite not letting Braga near the ball, Celtic still couldn't get into the final third. Too many slack balls prevented the Hoops from bringing the score back to level and they were eventually punished for it.

Zaluska was forced to clear a dangerous Braga cross out for a corner with his knee on 74 minutes. The resulting corner was met by Elderson in the centre of the box who struck the ball through the crowded area and into the net, doubling the home side's lead.

Mulgrew had a good opportunity to pull a goal back from almost 40 yards, but Braga keeper Mario Felgueiras got a hand to the ball and knocked it wide of his left post to safety.

Substitute, Matheus, struck a late blow to put the first-leg beyond Celtic's reach three minutes from time when he cracked home a stunning free-kick from 35 yards.

Despite looking organised and holding on to possession for long spells, the Hoops couldn't find that crucial away goal and have been left with a mountain to climb when Braga come to Glasgow next week.

QuoteBraga 3-0 Celtic, Champions League, 3rd qualifying round, first leg

Celtic got no more than they deserved tonight in front of a sparse Champions League qualifying crowd in Braga.  An unfortunate penalty kick, awarded in 25 minutes, when a cross ball struck Ki on the arm, put Braga ahead.  Celtic performed Act One from, 'What never to do on a football field' after 76 minutes when they collectively failed to defend a relatively poor corner kick, before Lukasz Zaluska was beaten by a 35 yard free kick on 87 minutes, which should have been saved.

The worst pain will come from the realisation that this comprehensive drubbing was inflicted by a team who seldom looked threatening.  Braga were rock solid in defence (or Celtic were miles of the pace in attack, you pays your money...), no better than average in midfield and seemed astonished at the ease with which they scored up front.

In my match preview earlier today I said, "a likely defence of Cha, Loovens, Hooiveld and Mulgrew, in front of Zaluska in goal, looks worryingly raw", not my usual tone before a major European game.  This was polite-speak for "For crying out loud, we're going to get slaughtered with that back four-plus-keeper".

Those of you who are surprised have not been paying attention.  Celtic are critically short of what it takes to compete against the like of Braga away from home.

Neil Lennon could do worse than to seek council from his friend, Gordon Strachan tomorrow.  Strachan returned a similar result against Artmedia on his first game in charge five years ago but responded with a 4-0 win in the second leg.

Braga, like Artmedia, are no world beaters.  They will lose three goals to good teams this season.  Over to you, Neil.

QuoteChampions League - Celtic suffer 3-0 beating at Braga

Celtic were left staring at the Champions League exit door after the Glasgow side suffered a humiliating 3-0 defeat at SC Braga in the first leg of their third-round qualifying match.

Alan gave the Portuguese team the lead on 25 minutes from the penalty spot after Ki Sung-Yeung handled in the box, and they never looked back.

Elderson benefited from some atrocious defending in the visiting area to add a second goal on 76 minutes before substitute Matheus rattled a deflected free-kick over the head of goalkeeper Lucas Zaluska a minute from time.

Neil Lennon's young team struggled for cohesion throughout the match and the 3-0 scoreline did not flatter Braga, who will aim to finish off the job in the second leg at Celtic Park on Wednesday.

Summer signings Joe Ledley, Charlie Mulgrew, Efrain Juarez and Cha Du-Ri all made their competitive debuts, but they were all rendered powerless as Celtic simply wilted in the heat of Southern Europe.

With Irish winger Aiden McGeady omitted from the squad amid speculation that a move away from Celtic Park is imminent, Lennon opted to start with Georgios Samaras up front as Shaun Maloney was deployed in a slightly deeper role.

Celtic looked hungry in the opening 15 minutes, but their lively start was to prove a false dawn. They were quickly undone midway through the half when Ki was deemed to have handled Miguel Garcia's cross.

The outstanding Alan stepped up to swipe the ball high into the net as Zaluska headed in the opposite direction.

Celtic, who would manage only two shots on goal over the 90 minutes, looked like they would suffer only a one-goal defeat until they quickly and worryingly began to unravel in the final 15 minutes.

Three defenders watched Elderson tap in from the middle of the box that suggests Celtic urgently require changes at the heart of a defence that has found wanting at this level since the peak days of Bobo Balde and Johan Mjallby seven years ago.

Matheus rubbed salt in the wounds as Zaluska was left badly exposed and at fault for failing to prevent the killer third goal that probably seals the tie in Braga's favour. The ball hurtled over his head to leave Celtic's heads spinning.

Lennon complained bitterly to the Belgian referee Serge Gumieny about his decision to award Braga a penalty in the first half, but he may have few complaints regarding the overall outcome.

Braga enjoyed over 60% of possession, despite failing to impress for large swathes of a fairly unappealing contest that saw five players booked, four from a toiling visiting team.

Celtic were completely devoid of any stamina, genuine craft and ideas, and the second leg is surely a formality.



QuoteCeltic humbled by Braga

Braga 3 Celtic 0: Celtic gave themselves a mountain to climb bigger than the rockface overlooking AXA Stadium tonight after crashing to Braga in tonight's Champions League third qualifying round first leg.

And they may have to turn the tie around next week without star winger Aiden McGeady, whose Parkhead career could be over after he was left out of the squad for the club's first competitive game of the season.

Life after McGeady does not look very promising on tonight's evidence, with goals from Alan, debutant Uwa Elderson Echiejile and substitute Matheus condemning Neil Lennon to defeat on his European debut as manager.

Celtic failed to muster a single shot on target in sweltering conditions, with their opponents comfortably holding sway.

Lennon had insisted yesterday he would field winger McGeady — who is rumoured to want to leave — tonight unless he was ordered not to pick him by the club's hierarchy.

Instead, four players were handed their competitive debuts, with summer signings Joe Ledley, Charlie Mulgrew, Efrain Juarez and Cha Du-Ri all in the starting XI.

Braga, whose summer recruitment drive dwarfed that of their opponents following the loss of some key men, handed debuts to Rodrigo Lima, and Leandro Salino.

The hosts were playing their first ever Champions League game having finished second in Portugal last season.

Mulgrew made a bad early impression in a Celtic jersey with a fourth-minute yellow card for time-wasting at a throw-in.

That was after Ki had sent a free-kick over the crossbar, won by lone frontman Georgios Samaras.

The heat, despite Lennon's confidence yesterday, was stifling and both sides looked a yard off the pace in what was their maiden competitive game of the season.

Indeed, there was no real goalmouth action until the 17th minute, when a cross from Shaun Maloney — out since October due to injury — was acrobatically

cleared by Moises.

Braga broke up the other end and Lukasz Zaluska spilled a Paulo Cesar shot he should have held before Andres Madrid blazed his follow-up over from 20 yards.

Then, in the 25th minute, the hosts were awarded a controversial penalty when Ki was adjudged to have handled Miguel Garcia's cross, earning a booking.

Alan fired the spot-kick into the roof of the net to put Braga ahead.

Salino could have immediately made it 2-0 but he scuffed his finish wide on the turn.

The already vocal home support was now bouncing — literally — while the small band of travelling fans were left to contemplate yet another reminder of Celtic's miserable European away record.

Captain Scott Brown was flagged offside attempting to volley Mulgrew's back-post cross but it was Braga who were getting closer to legally getting in behind their opponents.

Jos Hooiveld picked up a yellow card for clattering into Lima seconds after a talking to from referee Serge Gumienny.

The signs were not good at the start of the second half when Elderson got in behind Cha all too easily but his cross was too close to Zaluska.

The Celtic defence then dawdled as Cesar tried to force his way into the box, a gaggle of players doing just enough to stifle his finish.

Glenn Loovens became the latest Hoops defender booked after fouling Lima as the visitors' problems continued beyond the hour mark.

None of the new faces were making an impact as Celtic struggled to string more than a handful of passes together.

Lima was eventually taken out of the firing line, with Matheus coming on up front.

Moises had time to flash a header wide before Lennon responded by introducing new boy Daryl Murpy for Maloney.

Celtic soon won their first corner, which came to nought, but their search for an equaliser risked exposing them at the back.

But there was no legislating for the appalling defending that gifted Braga their second goal 15 minutes from time, Matheus' corner missed by a host of players before Elderson bundled the ball home.

Lennon threw on Forrest for the disappointing Juarez knowing an away goal would change the whole complexion of the tie.

Charlie Mulgrew sent a free-kick wide which Mario Felgueiras had covered before Matheus showed him how it should be done.

The substitute stepped up after a foul three minutes from time and blasted a shot which flew into the top corner.

Salino became the only Braga player booked in stoppage-time and Alan was withdrawn for Helder Barbosa as the home fans celebrated.

QuoteChampions League: il Celtic crolla a Braga.

Si sono disputati questa sera gli ultimi tre incontri validi per l'andata del terzo turno Piazzati della Uefa Champions League 2010/2011. Il risultato che più fa clamore è sicuramente il tonfo del Celtic in casa del Braga: i portoghesi si sono imposti per 3 reti a 0.

QuoteBraga 3 - 0 Celtic: New faces flop as Celtic are punished by Braga

CELTIC gave themselves a mountain to climb bigger than the rockface overlooking AXA Stadium tonight after crashing to Braga in tonight's Champions League third qualifying round first leg.

And they may have to turn the tie around next week without star winger Aiden McGeady, whose Parkhead career could be over after he was left out of the squad for the club's first competitive game of the season.

Life after McGeady does not look very promising on tonight's evidence, with goals from Alan, debutant Uwa Elderson Echiejile and substitute Matheus condemning Neil Lennon to defeat on his European debut as manager.

Celtic failed to muster a single shot on target in sweltering conditions, with their opponents comfortably holding sway.

Lennon had insisted yesterday he would field winger McGeady – who is rumoured to want to leave – tonight unless he was ordered not to pick him by the club's hierarchy.

Instead, four players were handed their competitive debuts, with summer signings Joe Ledley, Charlie Mulgrew, Efrain Juarez and Cha Du-Ri all in the starting XI.

Braga, whose summer recruitment drive dwarfed that of their opponents following the loss of some key men, handed debuts to Rodrigo Lima, and Leandro Salino.

The hosts were playing their first ever Champions League game having finished second in Portugal last season.

Mulgrew made a bad early impression in a Celtic jersey with a fourth-minute yellow card for time-wasting at a throw-in.

That was after Ki had sent a free-kick over the crossbar, won by lone frontman Georgios Samaras.

The heat, despite Lennon's confidence yesterday, was stifling and both sides looked a yard off the pace in what was their maiden competitive game of the season.

Indeed, there was no real goalmouth action until the 17th minute, when a cross from Shaun Maloney – out since October due to injury – was acrobatically cleared by Moises.

Braga broke up the other end and Lukasz Zaluska spilled a Paulo Cesar shot he should have held before Andres Madrid blazed his follow-up over from 20 yards.

Then, in the 25th minute, the hosts were awarded a controversial penalty when Ki was adjudged to have handled Miguel Garcia's cross, earning a booking.

Alan fired the spot-kick into the roof of the net to put Braga ahead.
Salino could have immediately made it 2-0 but he scuffed his finish wide on the turn.

The already vocal home support was now bouncing – literally – while the small band of travelling fans were left to contemplate yet another reminder of Celtic's miserable European away record.

Captain Scott Brown was flagged offside attempting to volley Mulgrew's back-post cross but it was Braga who were getting closer to legally getting in behind their opponents.

Jos Hooiveld picked up a yellow card for clattering into Lima seconds after a talking to from referee Serge Gumienny.

The signs were not good at the start of the second half when Elderson got in behind Cha all too easily but his cross was too close to Zaluska.

The Celtic defence then dawdled as Cesar tried to force his way into the box, a gaggle of players doing just enough to stifle his finish.

Glenn Loovens became the latest Hoops defender booked after fouling Lima as the visitors' problems continued beyond the hour mark.

None of the new faces were making an impact as Celtic struggled to string more than a handful of passes together.

Lima was eventually taken out of the firing line, with Matheus coming on up front.

Moises had time to flash a header wide before Lennon responded by introducing new boy Daryl Murpy for Maloney.

Celtic soon won their first corner, which came to nought, but their search for an equaliser risked exposing them at the back.

But there was no legislating for the appalling defending that gifted Braga their second goal 15 minutes from time, Matheus' corner missed by a host of players before Elderson bundled the ball home.

Lennon threw on Forrest for the disappointing Juarez knowing an away goal would change the whole complexion of the tie.

Charlie Mulgrew sent a free-kick wide which Mario Felgueiras had covered before Matheus showed him how it should be done.

The substitute stepped up after a foul three minutes from time and blasted a shot which flew into the top corner.

Salino became the only Braga player booked in stoppage-time and Alan was withdrawn for Helder Barbosa as the home fans celebrated.

QuoteCeltic lose out to Braga

Celtic suffered a 3-0 defeat to Braga in the first leg of their Champions League third round qualifying tie in Portugal tonight, leaving them with an uphill task in the Parkhead return.

Last season's Portuguese League runners-up took the lead in 26 minutes when Brazilian Alan netted from the penalty spot after Ki Sung-Yeung handled in the box.

Uwa Echiejile scored from close range following a corner with 14 minutes left and Nascimento Matheus beat Lukasz Zaluska with a 30-yard free-kick in the last minute.

Celtic boss Neil Lennon said: "Some people may think the tie is over - we don't. We've got a good record at home, we've been in this position before and we'll have to be at our very best.

"We lost the game to three set-pieces, which was very disappointing. I thought we were comfortable in the game but at times we could have passed the ball better."

QuoteBraga 3 Celtic 0: match report

Read a full match report of the Champions League third qualifying round first leg tie between Braga and Celtic at the AXA Stadium, Braga, on Wednesday July 28, 2010.

Celtic gave themselves a mountain to climb bigger than the rockface overlooking AXA Stadium after crashing to Braga in tonight's Champions League third qualifying round first leg.

And they may have to turn the tie around next week without star winger Aiden McGeady, whose Parkhead career could be over after he was left out of the squad for the club's first competitive game of the season.

Life after McGeady does not look very promising on tonight's evidence, with goals from Alan, debutant Uwa Elderson Echiejile and substitute Matheus condemning Neil Lennon to defeat on his European debut as manager.

Celtic failed to muster a single shot on target in sweltering conditions, with their opponents comfortably holding sway.

Lennon had insisted yesterday he would field winger McGeady - who is rumoured to want to leave - tonight unless he was ordered not to pick him by the club's hierarchy.

Instead, four players were handed their competitive debuts, with summer signings Joe Ledley, Charlie Mulgrew, Efrain Juarez and Cha Du-Ri all in the starting XI.

Braga, whose summer recruitment drive dwarfed that of their opponents following the loss of some key men, handed debuts to Rodrigo Lima, and Leandro Salino.

The hosts were playing their first ever Champions League game having finished second in Portugal last season.

Mulgrew made a bad early impression in a Celtic jersey with a fourth-minute yellow card for time-wasting at a throw-in.

That was after Ki had sent a free-kick over the crossbar, won by lone frontman Georgios Samaras.

The heat, despite Lennon's confidence yesterday, was stifling and both sides looked a yard off the pace in what was their maiden competitive game of the season.

Indeed, there was no real goalmouth action until the 17th minute, when a cross from Shaun Maloney - out since October due to injury - was acrobatically cleared by Moises.

Braga broke up the other end and Lukasz Zaluska spilled a Paulo Cesar shot he should have held before Andres Madrid blazed his follow-up over from 20 yards.

Then, in the 25th minute, the hosts were awarded a controversial penalty when Ki was adjudged to have handled Miguel Garcia's cross, earning a booking.

Alan fired the spot-kick into the roof of the net to put Braga ahead.

Salino could have immediately made it 2-0 but he scuffed his finish wide on the turn.

The already vocal home support was now bouncing - literally - while the small band of travelling fans were left to contemplate yet another reminder of Celtic's miserable European away record.

Captain Scott Brown was flagged offside attempting to volley Mulgrew's back-post cross but it was Braga who were getting closer to legally getting in behind their opponents.

Jos Hooiveld picked up a yellow card for clattering into Lima seconds after a talking to from referee Serge Gumienny.

The signs were not good at the start of the second half when Elderson got in behind Cha all too easily but his cross was too close to Zaluska.

The Celtic defence then dawdled as Cesar tried to force his way into the box, a gaggle of players doing just enough to stifle his finish.

Glenn Loovens became the latest Hoops defender booked after fouling Lima as the visitors' problems continued beyond the hour mark.

None of the new faces were making an impact as Celtic struggled to string more than a handful of passes together.

Lima was eventually taken out of the firing line, with Matheus coming on up front.

Moises had time to flash a header wide before Lennon responded by introducing new boy Daryl Murpy for Maloney.

Celtic soon won their first corner, which came to nought, but their search for an equaliser risked exposing them at the back.

But there was no legislating for the appalling defending that gifted Braga their second goal 15 minutes from time, Matheus' corner missed by a host of players before Elderson bundled the ball home.

Lennon threw on Forrest for the disappointing Juarez knowing an away goal would change the whole complexion of the tie.

Charlie Mulgrew sent a free-kick wide which Mario Felgueiras had covered before Matheus showed him how it should be done.

The substitute stepped up after a foul three minutes from time and blasted a shot which flew into the top corner.

Salino became the only Braga player booked in stoppage-time and Alan was withdrawn for Helder Barbosa as the home fans celebrated.

QuoteHoops crash to Braga

Celtic are on the brink of crashing out of this season's Champions League after gifting Braga a 3-0 win in their third qualifying round first leg.

A controversial first-half penalty from Alan - awarded after Ki Sung-Yeung was adjudged to have handled - a debut goal from Uwa Elderson Echiejile, and a stunning free-kick from substitute Matheus ensured the Hoops' miserable European away record continued under Neil Lennon.

Celtic failed to muster a single shot on target in sweltering conditions at the AXA Stadium, with their opponents comfortably holding sway in what was both sides' first competitive match of the season.


QuoteBraga brush Celtic aside

Celtic are on the brink of crashing out of this season's Champions League after gifting Braga a 3-0 win in Wednesday's third qualifying round first leg.

A controversial first-half penalty from Alan - awarded after Ki Sung-Yeung was adjudged to have handled - a debut goal from Uwa Elderson Echiejile, and a stunning free-kick from substitute Matheus ensured the Hoops' miserable European away record continued under Neil Lennon.

Celtic failed to muster a single shot on target in sweltering conditions at the AXA Stadium, with their opponents comfortably holding sway in what was both sides' first competitive match of the season.

QuoteCeltic onderuit in Braga

Ondertussen zette ook Sporting Braga een grote stap op weg naar de volgende voorronde. De nummer twee van Portugal won thuis met 3-0 van het Schotse Celtic. Partizan Belgrado kende op eigen terrein geen moeite met HJK Helsinki (3-0).

QuoteBraga batter sorry Celtic

Braga 3 - Celtic 0 (Champions League qualifier third-round first-leg, July 28, 2010) (Longer highlights) A penalty from Alan, straight into the top right hand corner, midway through the first half, gave Braga first blood. The Bhoys left themselves with a mountain to climb with a final collapse, Elderson headed home a76th minute free-kick for number two and Matheus made it 3-nil with just two minutes remaining.

QuoteBraga brush Celtic aside

Celtic are on the brink of crashing out of this season's Champions League after gifting Braga a 3-0 win in Wednesday night's third qualifying round first leg.
A controversial first-half penalty from Alan - awarded after Ki Sung-Yeung was adjudged to have handled - a debut goal from Uwa Elderson Echiejile, and a stunning free-kick from substitute Matheus ensured the Hoops' miserable European away record continued under Neil Lennon.

Celtic failed to muster a single shot on target in sweltering conditions at the AXA Stadium, with their opponents comfortably holding sway in what was both sides' first competitive match of the season.

Celtic failed to muster a single shot on target in sweltering conditions, and they may have to turn the tie around next week without star winger Aiden McGeady, whose Parkhead career could be over after he was left out of the squad for the club's first competitive game of the season.

Lennon had insisted on Tuesday he would field winger McGeady - who is rumoured to want to leave - unless he was ordered not to pick him by the club's hierarchy. Instead, four players were handed their competitive debuts, with summer signings Joe Ledley, Charlie Mulgrew, Efrain Juarez and Cha Du-Ri all in the starting XI.

There was no real goalmouth action until the 17th minute, when a cross from Shaun Maloney - out since October due to injury - was acrobatically cleared by Moises. Braga broke up the other end and Lukasz Zaluska spilled a Paulo Cesar shot he should have held before Andres Madrid blazed his follow-up over from 20 yards.

Then, in the 25th minute, the hosts were awarded a controversial penalty when Ki was adjudged to have handled Miguel Garcia's cross, earning a booking. Alan fired the spot-kick into the roof of the net to put Braga ahead and moments later Salino could have made it 2-0 but he scuffed his finish wide on the turn.

The signs were not good at the start of the second half when Elderson got in behind Cha all too easily but his cross was too close to Zaluska. The Celtic defence then dawdled as Cesar tried to force his way into the box, a gaggle of players doing just enough to stifle his finish.

Celtic's search for an equaliser risked exposing them at the back, but there was no legislating for the appalling defending that gifted Braga their second goal 15 minutes from time. Matheus' corner evaded a host of players before Elderson bundled the ball home.

Charlie Mulgrew sent a free-kick wide for the visitors which Mario Felgueiras had covered before Matheus showed him how it should be done, stepping up after a foul three minutes from time and blasting into the top corner.